每觀其 文﹐想其人德。世嘆其質直。
- こうまん【高慢】
- 〔思い上がり〕pride; 〔うぬぼれ〕conceit; 〔傲慢(ごうまん)〕haughtiness, arrogance高慢な proud; conceited; haughty; arrog...
- こうまんちき【高慢ちき】
- a haughty person; 〔うぬぼれの強い人〕a conceited person; a disgusting snob あの人は高慢ちきな顔をしているHe looks high an...
- こうまんな【高慢な】
- proud; conceited; haughty; arrogant 彼女は実に高慢だShe is 「very conceited [as proud as a peacock]. 彼は息子の...
問 題: | 何謂貢高我慢? |
解 答: | 與他人比較而產生自負傲慢之心,即增上慢,通常稱之貢高我慢。 |
Dear HC,
「貢高(《廣雅》曰:『貢,上也。』謂受貢上之國,自恃尊高,則輕易附庸之國。今有自高陵物,欲人賓伏者,則亦謂之貢高)。」 (CBETA, T54, no. 2128, p. 442, b15)
《一切經音義》卷25:「憍慢貢高(今依《玉篇》:『自恣為憍,淩他曰慢,慢前為貢,心舉曰高也』)。」(CBETA, T54, no. 2128, p. 466, c12)
「我慢」在梵語為 mana, 英文譯為 conceit,
《雜阿含105經》卷5:「佛告仙尼:「我諸弟子聞我所說,不悉解義而起慢無間等;非無間等故,慢則不斷;慢不斷故, 捨此陰已,與陰相續生。是故,仙尼!我則記說, 是諸弟子身壞命終,生彼彼處。所以者何?以彼有餘慢故。」( CBETA, T02, no. 99, p. 32, b6-11)
《雜阿含581經》卷22:「心依於我慢, 而說言有我,
及說於我所, 有如是說不。」」(CBETA, T02, no. 99, p. 154, c4-5)
Ken Su
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貢 | |
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《說文》:“貢,獻功也。人人貝,工聲。”桂馥義證:“獻功也者,當為獻也,功也。”王筠句讀:“貢、獻同義,貢、功同聲。”徐灝注箋:“功謂力作所有事,如穀麥為農功、絲枲為婦功也。” | |
(一)gong4《廣韻》古送切,去送見。東部。 | (1)進獻。古指把物品獻給天子。《廣雅‧釋言》:“貢,獻也。”《書‧禹貢》:“厥貢漆絲。”蔡沈集傳:“貢者,下獻其土所有於上也。”《史記‧五帝本紀》:“各以其職來貢,不失厥宜。”唐杜甫《自京赴奉先縣詠懷五百字》:“彤庭所分帛,本自寒女出,鞭撻其夫家,聚歛貢城闕。”(2)貢品。《書‧禹貢》:“禹別九州,隨山濬川,任土作貢。”孔傳:“任其土地所有,定其貢賦之差。”唐陳子昂《送著作佐郎崔融等從梁王東征并序》:“匈奴舍蒲桃之宮,越裳重翡翠之貢。”清李希聖《庚子國變記》:“納貢獻地稱臣,償兵費數萬萬。” (3)相傳為夏代稅法之名。《廣雅‧釋詁二》:“貢,稅也。”《書‧禹貢》:“禹貢。”蔡沈集傳:“貢,夏后氏田賦之總名。”《孟子‧滕文公上》:“夏后氏五十而貢,殷人七十而助,周人百畝而徹,其實皆什一也。”趙岐注:“民耕五十畝,貢上五畝。”章炳麟《訄書‧定版籍》:“夫不稼者,不得有尺寸耕土,故貢徹不設。” (4)進。《書‧顧命》:“爾無以(康王)釗冒貢于非幾。”孔傳:“汝無以釗冒進于非危之事。”蔡沈集傳:“貢,進也。”《潛夫論‧本政》:“選舉實則忠賢進,選虛偽則邪黨貢。” (5)薦舉。《廣韻‧送韻》:“貢,薦也。”《禮記‧射義》:“諸侯歲獻,貢士於天子。”《三國志‧蜀志‧李恢傳》:“後貢恢於州。”《儒林外史》第十九回:“又把他題了優行,貢入太學肄業。” (6)潰。《文選‧班固〈幽通賦〉》:“周賈盪而貢憤兮,齊死生與禍福。”李善注引曹大家曰:“貢,潰也。” (7)上。《廣雅‧釋詁一》:“貢,上也。” (8)賜。《爾雅‧釋詁上》:“貢,賜也。”郝懿行義疏:“貢者,贛之音也。《說文》云:‘贛,賜也。’今經典贛字多借作貢矣。” (9)告。《易‧繫辭上》:“六爻之義易以貢。”韓康伯注:“貢,告也。”《韓非子‧揚權》:“二者誠信,下乃貢情。”王先慎集解:“貢,謂陳見也。”《子華子‧陽城胥渠問》:“直言者,直以情貢也。” (10)水名。在今江西省境內。明王禕《崆峒山房紀》:“章、貢二水夾之以馳。”清顧祖禹《讀史方輿紀要‧江西一》:“湖漢水即今貢水。” (11)姓。《廣韻‧送韻》:“貢,姓。漢有琅邪貢禹。”《萬姓統譜‧送韻》:“貢,端木賜子貢之後,以王父字為氏。漢貢禹,瑯琊人……宋貢祖文,字仁德,大名人。” |
記cavalier attitude 的一些聯想
hc 問:「有興趣討論 "cavalier attitude toward the budget deficit." 如何翻譯?
Mr. Kristol led by example, using The Public Interest to promote supply-side economics, a doctrine whose central claim - that tax cuts have such miraculous positive effects on the economy that they pay for themselves - has never been backed by evidence. He would later concede, or perhaps boast, that he had a "cavalier attitude toward the budget deficit." 」
【其實 必須了解點政治經濟學,才能準確翻譯。不過,SU 的朋友都導向CAVALIER ATTITUDE 之討論……… 最簡單的解釋;
cavalier (WITHOUT CARE) adjective DISAPPROVING
thoughtless and not caring about other people's feelings or safety:
例子:That's a rather cavalier attitude.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary) 】
---- 老朋友 留言:
RE :Cavalier attitude toward something?
Well, that remind me of cavalier delinquncies.
---- hc 查辭典
Cavalier :
━━ n. 騎士; (貴婦人の)付添い男, 踊り相手; やさ男; いんぎんな紳士; 【英史】(C-) (Charles I時代の)王党員.
━━ a. 高慢な; 無とん着な; 愛想のいい; (女性に対して)打ち解けた.
━━ a. 高慢な; 無とん着な; 愛想のいい; (女性に対して)打ち解けた.
- Showing arrogant or offhand disregard; dismissive: a cavalier attitude toward the suffering of others.
- Carefree and nonchalant; jaunty.
- Cavalier Of or relating to a group of 17th-century English poets associated with the court of Charles I.
[French, horseman, from Old Italian cavaliere, from Late Latin caballā rius, from Latin caballus, horse.]
【Yahoo! Cavalier n. ( 名詞 noun)[C]
1. 騎士; 騎兵。2. ( 對女性) 殷勤的紳士; 護花使者。3. (C-)( 十七世紀英國查理一世時代的) 保王黨員
a. ( 形容詞 adjective)
1. 漫不經心的; 無憂無慮的
a cavalier reply 隨口作的回答
2. 傲慢的; 目空一切的
People were often irritated by his cavalier attitude toward them.
rl 留言:
re: 高慢 高( )慢( )
高慢 顏 /擺出傲慢的面孔;高慢 奴/傲慢的傢伙。
hc 留言:幾年以後 2010 Ken Su 回答
我查不到『佛學常見辭彙「貢高我慢」』之原始出處:網路上之資料似乎都為近人的「口頭禪」。所以對於 rl的猜想存疑。
(我以前稍為查過日文之「慢」,它用了古漢字之意(這除「傲慢」之外,已少用)。正如pride或proud 可以有雙意,日文之「自慢」等是正面義。)
rl 留言:的確,因為實在太多人常把它掛在嘴邊,所以令人覺得這是個「口頭禪」,但是,它千真萬確是修行「破我執」的目標之一。
、人 見下
He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. (Walter Sutton)
---hc 談google之高慢
高慢と偏見Pride & Prejudice,【BBC Classic Drama 高慢と偏見 DVD……..】
老朋友 留言:
Cavalier attitude 怎譯怎行,隨上下文改變譯法也行。只要我譯的,都對;別人譯的,那總有得商榷。
請參考以下報導,cavalier 一詞使用兩次。兩次可以同樣譯法嗎?Na ja, Kavalierdelikte zaehlen sowieso nicht zu Verbrechen.
不知為何貼不進 SU紐約時報那篇和老朋友那篇以色列評論的 cavalier attitude, 似乎是下面這個意思 ::
把事情看得太容易, 小看問題, 一種輕忽, 滿不在乎的簡慢輕慢態度 . 或是你不懂啦, 稍安勿燥, 別操心 , 一切有我 , 胸有成竹 , 緊張什麼? 哪那麼嚴重? 何必大驚小怪? 小事情, 沒問題, 我最懂 , 你勿憂 , 聽我的 , 包在我身上, 安啦. don't worry, be happy...I'll take care of everything...everything will be ok.猜想也是源自於當初 "騎士一拍胸脯 , 一馬衝先的英勇 "吧.
把事情看得太容易, 小看問題, 一種輕忽, 滿不在乎的簡慢輕慢態度 . 或是你不懂啦, 稍安勿燥, 別操心 , 一切有我 , 胸有成竹 , 緊張什麼? 哪那麼嚴重? 何必大驚小怪? 小事情, 沒問題, 我最懂 , 你勿憂 , 聽我的 , 包在我身上, 安啦. don't worry, be happy...I'll take care of everything...everything will be ok.猜想也是源自於當初 "騎士一拍胸脯 , 一馬衝先的英勇 "吧.
【Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Cav`a*lier"\, a. Gay; easy; offhand; frank.
The plodding, persevering scupulous accuracy of the one, and the easy, cavalier, verbal fluency of the other, form a complete contrast. --Hazlitt.
2. High-spirited. [Obs.] ``The people are naturally not
valiant, and not much cavalier.'' --Suckling.
3. Supercilious; haughty; disdainful; curt; brusque.
----兒戲, n., a child's play; v.t. to treat as child's play or cavalierly. 】
Cavalier Servant in Italian cicisbe'o, and in Spanish cortejo. A gentleman that chaperones married ladies.
"Coach, servants, gondola, he goes to call,
And carries fan and tippet, gloves and shawl."
Byron: Beppo, st. xi. Source: Brewer's Dictionary.
"Coach, servants, gondola, he goes to call,
And carries fan and tippet, gloves and shawl."
Byron: Beppo, st. xi. Source: Brewer's Dictionary.
attitude (OPINION) noun
1 [C or U] a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this: It's often very difficult to change people's attitudes. [+ that ] She takes the attitude that children should be allowed to learn at their own pace.
He has a very bad attitude to/towards work.
He seems to have undergone a change in/of attitude recently, and has become much more co-operative.
I don't like your attitude (= the way you are behaving) .
That boy has a real attitude problem (= behaves in a way that makes it difficult for other people to have a relationship with him or work with him) .2 [U] If you say that someone has attitude, you mean that they are confident and independent, often in a rude or unpleasant way.
1 [C or U] a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this: It's often very difficult to change people's attitudes. [+ that ] She takes the attitude that children should be allowed to learn at their own pace.
He has a very bad attitude to/towards work.
He seems to have undergone a change in/of attitude recently, and has become much more co-operative.
I don't like your attitude (= the way you are behaving) .
That boy has a real attitude problem (= behaves in a way that makes it difficult for other people to have a relationship with him or work with him) .2 [U] If you say that someone has attitude, you mean that they are confident and independent, often in a rude or unpleasant way.
attitude (POSITION)
a position of the body:She lay sprawled across the sofa, in an attitude of complete abandon. strike an attitude FORMAL
to hold your body in a way which suggests a particular quality or feeling: He struck an attitude of offended dignity and marched out of the room.
a position of the body:She lay sprawled across the sofa, in an attitude of complete abandon. strike an attitude FORMAL
to hold your body in a way which suggests a particular quality or feeling: He struck an attitude of offended dignity and marched out of the room.
Cavalier attitude towards Egyptian treaty violationsBy Dr. Aaron Lerner February 25, 2005

How would Israeli officials react if Egypt announced that it would not even go through the motions of making a serious effort to stop the flow of weapons from the Egyptian Sinai to the Gaza Strip unless Israel forfeited its control of the border?
Would Foreign Minister Shalom quickly call his Egyptian counterpart to express his disappointment over Egypt's gross violation of its treaty obligations - and then immediately let the press know about the call?
Would Prime Minister Sharon get on the phone to Secretary of State Rice, sharing his concern that Egypt is undermining efforts to stabilize the situation?
Would Sharon's team let the "inner circle" of Israeli and foreign columnists know that the time has come for Egypt's free ride to come to an end?
Unfortunately, this is not a theoretical question.
This Wednesday Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmad Abu al-Ghait told reporters in Cairo that "Israel must withdraw from the Salaheddin (Philadelphi) corridor before Egyptian forces move into the Egyptian-Palestinian border line."
Over 24 hours later the Israeli response remains stone silence.
Not an outward silence hiding a flurry of diplomatic activity but instead the kind of cavalier "yihyeh b'seder" (it will be OK) silence that cost the Jewish State so dearly in the past.
Here's the line-up:
Egypt's central "contribution" to "progress" in Palestinian-Israeli relations has been to push for arrangements to insure that the most radical Palestinian militiamen in the Gaza Strip remain armed.
PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas has made it clear that he intends to turn all the Palestinian gunmen into PA security men.
Thanks to an Israeli policy vacuum, for the foreseeable future, any weapons system - regardless of its sophistication - "seized" by the PA from Palestinian sources can be added to the PA's armories. That's PA armories that will serve the radical gunmen turned cops.
Given the above, it comes as no wonder that Egypt is so keen on pressing Israel to clear out from the border area - a move that would make it even easier for large scale weapons transfers to the Palestinians.
Why the Israeli silence? Yihyeh b'seder
After all, in truth Mr. Sharon originally wanted to unconditionally retreat from the Philadelphi Corridor as part of his disengagement plan. He was stopped at the time by a vocal IDF Chief of Staff Ya'alon. But Ya'alon is now to be replaced by former air force commander Halutz.
The air force thinks that whatever mess Israel may face after a complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip can be addressed from the sky.
Ironically, when Eliezer Shkedy, the current air force commander, described this approach he explained that it would follow the South Lebanon model. That's an area that is now bristling with enough Katyusha rockets to carpet bomb northern Israel and where even innocuous Israeli monitoring over flights are roundly condemned in the UN.
Let's face it. Regardless of what Palestinian "enemies of peace" may fire into Israel, will the UN, Quartet, etc. countenance Israeli air strikes after the withdrawal to silence the Palestinian sources of fire if they are protected by human shields?
Yihyeh b'seder.
Yihyeh b'seder?
The Yihyeh b'seder brought us to the brink of destruction in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
The Yihyeh b'seder brought us the madness of Oslo with the largest number of civilian casualties since founding of the Jewish State.
It is not the time for Yihyeh b'seder.
Egypt should be honoring its treaty obligations and stopping the flow of weapons across its border.
The Palestinians should be disarming the gunmen - not giving them dog tags.
And Israel should not be effectively forfeiting its right to control its security envelope.
Views expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect those of israelinsider.

Would Foreign Minister Shalom quickly call his Egyptian counterpart to express his disappointment over Egypt's gross violation of its treaty obligations - and then immediately let the press know about the call?
Would Prime Minister Sharon get on the phone to Secretary of State Rice, sharing his concern that Egypt is undermining efforts to stabilize the situation?
Would Sharon's team let the "inner circle" of Israeli and foreign columnists know that the time has come for Egypt's free ride to come to an end?
Unfortunately, this is not a theoretical question.
This Wednesday Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmad Abu al-Ghait told reporters in Cairo that "Israel must withdraw from the Salaheddin (Philadelphi) corridor before Egyptian forces move into the Egyptian-Palestinian border line."
Over 24 hours later the Israeli response remains stone silence.
Not an outward silence hiding a flurry of diplomatic activity but instead the kind of cavalier "yihyeh b'seder" (it will be OK) silence that cost the Jewish State so dearly in the past.
Here's the line-up:
Egypt's central "contribution" to "progress" in Palestinian-Israeli relations has been to push for arrangements to insure that the most radical Palestinian militiamen in the Gaza Strip remain armed.
PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas has made it clear that he intends to turn all the Palestinian gunmen into PA security men.
Thanks to an Israeli policy vacuum, for the foreseeable future, any weapons system - regardless of its sophistication - "seized" by the PA from Palestinian sources can be added to the PA's armories. That's PA armories that will serve the radical gunmen turned cops.
Given the above, it comes as no wonder that Egypt is so keen on pressing Israel to clear out from the border area - a move that would make it even easier for large scale weapons transfers to the Palestinians.
Why the Israeli silence? Yihyeh b'seder
After all, in truth Mr. Sharon originally wanted to unconditionally retreat from the Philadelphi Corridor as part of his disengagement plan. He was stopped at the time by a vocal IDF Chief of Staff Ya'alon. But Ya'alon is now to be replaced by former air force commander Halutz.
The air force thinks that whatever mess Israel may face after a complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip can be addressed from the sky.
Ironically, when Eliezer Shkedy, the current air force commander, described this approach he explained that it would follow the South Lebanon model. That's an area that is now bristling with enough Katyusha rockets to carpet bomb northern Israel and where even innocuous Israeli monitoring over flights are roundly condemned in the UN.
Let's face it. Regardless of what Palestinian "enemies of peace" may fire into Israel, will the UN, Quartet, etc. countenance Israeli air strikes after the withdrawal to silence the Palestinian sources of fire if they are protected by human shields?
Yihyeh b'seder.
Yihyeh b'seder?
The Yihyeh b'seder brought us to the brink of destruction in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
The Yihyeh b'seder brought us the madness of Oslo with the largest number of civilian casualties since founding of the Jewish State.
It is not the time for Yihyeh b'seder.
Egypt should be honoring its treaty obligations and stopping the flow of weapons across its border.
The Palestinians should be disarming the gunmen - not giving them dog tags.
And Israel should not be effectively forfeiting its right to control its security envelope.