家鄉、故鄉。唐˙崔顥˙黃鶴樓詩:「日暮鄉關何處是?煙波江上使人愁。」唐˙岑參˙暮春虢州東亭送李司馬歸扶風別廬詩:「西望鄉關腸欲斷,對君衫袖淚痕斑。」亦作「鄉國」、「鄉井」。1. 格格不入
相似詞 方枘圓鑿、水火不容 相反詞 處處圓通、水乳交融、融為一體
{鄉關何處} 彭淮棟譯,台北立緒
Edward Wadie Said was born in Jerusalem, Mandatory Palestine on this day in 1935.
“You cannot continue to victimize someone else just because you yourself were a victim once—there has to be a limit”
― Edward Said
From one of the most important intellectuals of our time comes an extraordinary story of exile and a celebration of an irrecoverable past. A fatal medical diagnosis in 1991 convinced Edward Said that he should leave a record of where he was born and spent his childhood, and so with this memoir he rediscovers the lost Arab world of his early years in Palestine, Lebanon, and Egypt. Said writes with great passion and wit about his family and his friends from his birthplace in Jerusalem, schools in Cairo, and summers in the mountains above Beirut, to boarding school and college in the United States, revealing an unimaginable world of rich, colorful characters and exotic eastern landscapes. Underscoring all is the confusion of identity the young Said experienced as he came to terms with the dissonance of being an American citizen, a Christian and a Palestinian, and, ultimately, an outsider. Richly detailed, moving, often profound, Out of Place depicts a young man's coming of age and the genesis of a great modern thinker. READ an excerpt here:http://knopfdoubleday.com/book/159784/out-of-place/
平定。左傳˙昭公十三年:「諸侯靖兵,好以為事。」唐˙岑文本˙冊趙王孝恭改封河間郡王文:「擁節西騖,靖巴漢之妖氛。」 | ||||||||||||||||||||
治理。詩經˙小雅˙菀柳:「俾予靖之,後予極焉。」毛亨˙傳:「靖,治。」唐˙陸贄˙論兩河及淮西利害狀:「若不靖於本,而務救於末,則救之所為,乃禍之所起也。」 | ||||||||||||||||||||
計劃﹑圖謀。詩經˙大雅˙召旻:「昏椓靡共,潰潰回遹,實靖夷我邦。」漢書˙卷七十三˙韋賢傳:「嗟我後人,命其靡常,靖享爾位,瞻仰靡荒。」 | ||||||||||||||||||||
恭敬。管子˙大匡:「士處靖,敬老與貴,交不失禮。」 | ||||||||||||||||||||
安定﹑平安。宋˙曾鞏˙試中書舍人制誥三道:「今方內靖嘉,百揆攸敘。」 | ||||||||||||||||||||
清靜。管子˙百心:「建當立有以靖為宗,以時為寶,以政為儀。」 | ||||||||||||||||||||
姓。如唐代有靖君亮。 囲碁の謝依旻女流本因坊が女流初の5タイトル独占です。