35. 斗 部首 斗 部首外筆畫 0 總筆畫 4 |
注音一式 ㄉㄡˇ |
漢語拼音 d u |
注音二式 d u |
|  | 量詞。計算容量的單位。十升為一斗,十斗為一石。漢書˙卷二十一˙律曆志上:「十升為斗……斗者,聚升之量也。」紅樓夢˙第四十二回:「如今這一個裡頭裝了兩斗御田粳米。」 |
|  | 酒器。詩經˙大雅˙行葦:「酌以大斗。」史記˙卷七˙項羽本紀:「玉斗一雙,欲與亞父。」 |
|  | 形狀像斗的器具。如:「漏斗」、「熨斗」、「米斗」、「菸斗」。 |
|  | 星座名:(1) 二十八星宿之一。北方玄武七宿的第一宿,有六顆星,通稱為「南斗」。(2) 北斗七星。 |
|  | 圓形的指紋。見「斗箕」、「斗紋」等條。 指紋有斗和箕的分別,圓紋為斗,斜紋為箕,故稱指紋為「斗箕」。或稱為「斗記」。 |
|  | 姓。如宋代有斗蓋。 |
|  | 二一四部首之一。 |
|  | 比喻小。如:「斗室」、「斗城」。 |
|  | 比喻大。南朝梁˙簡文帝˙七勵:「至如牽鉤壯氣,斗膽豪心。」 |
|  | 險峻、陡峭。通「陡」。史記˙卷二十八˙封禪書:「成山斗入海,最居齊東北隅,以迎日出云。」明˙徐弘祖˙徐霞客遊記˙卷一下˙閩遊日記:「蓋是山四面斗削,惟一線為暗磴,百丈為明梯。」 |
| 驟然、突然。唐˙韓愈˙答張十一功曹詩:「吟君詩罷看雙鬢,斗覺霜毛一半加。」 |
斗 |
《說文》:“斗,十升也。象形,有柄。”段玉裁注:“上象斗形,下象其柄也。” |
(一)dou3《廣韻》當口切,上厚端。侯部。 | (1)古代酒器。《詩‧大雅‧行葦》:“酌以大斗,以祈黃老鄄句。”毛傳:“大斗,長三尺也。”陸德明釋文:“三尺,謂大斗之柄也。”《南史‧謝旧钫蘥傳》:“(旧钫蘥)與劉瑱、沈昭略交,飲各至數斗。”《鏡花緣》第一回:“左手執筆,右手執斗。”
(二)zhu3 | 《集
(三)dou4 | “鬥”的簡化字。 |
所謂「人不可以貌相」,一頭看似亂糟糟的蓬鬆金色頭髮,一個喜歡乘坐地鐵、踏單車的人,誰也想不到會是一個受歡迎的政治人物。他,就是英國倫敦市長鮑里斯.約翰遜(Boris Johnson)。
Q: 玩具反斗城...那何謂"反斗"呢... 是從香港沿用過來的語詞嗎?
A: 的確是,廣東話的是指精力過剩, 沒有一刻能停下來, 不受控制調皮搗蛋的意思. 就像小孩子囉.
漢字聽寫大會火爆 中文書寫引關注
《漢字聽寫大會》節目組總導演關正文說,他的靈感來自美國的全國拼寫大賽(Scripps National Spelling Bee)。尤其值得一提的是,他說,他尤為感動的是看到一個50年前曾參加拼寫大賽的祖父,現在幫助孫子備賽。
從中國富有爭議的作家余華到美國作家歐•亨利(O. Henry),她的文學品味是兼容并包的。余華的出名源自他在書中對文革暴行的描寫,以及根據他的書《活著》拍的電影在中國被禁。
Isabella Steger
Chinese TV's Latest Hit Features A Character-Driven Plot
The word 'toad' would be a snap in an English-language spelling bee, but not in a nationally televised contest in China.
In Chinese, toad has three characters that are made up of 46 individual strokes.
Yu Shuang, a 14-year-old contestant, came close in an early round. As her teammates squealed and drew out the word in the air, Miss Yu quickly wrote the characters on a screen that projected her effort on a big display above her head.
When she finished, one of three judges hit the buzzer signaling a correct answer, bringing cheers. But the other two didn't agree, pointing out that the young girl had missed a single dot in the third character. 'You were obviously very nervous just now,' said the judge, as Miss Yu's teammates groaned in disappointment backstage.
Miss Yu wasn't alone. The show tested a group of adults in the audience, and just 30% of them could write toad correctly, state media lamented after the broadcast. 'It's a word that everyone knows,' said the Xinhua News Agency.
Since its debut in August on a minor TV channel dedicated to educational programming, the 'Chinese Characters Dictation Competition' has exploded in popularity.
The show shifted to a Friday evening time slot on CCTV1, even challenging the popularity of the country's most-watched shows, including China's version of 'The Voice.'
Friday night's final was a must-watch contest all over China that came down to two secondary-school girls from the same school in the affluent city of Hangzhou.
The show has touched a nerve in China, where purists complain that smartphones are eroding language skills, thanks to the frequent use of emoticons and software that lets people write faster using the pinyin system, where Chinese words are written phonetically in Latin script.
Its creator, Guan Zhengwen, said his inspiration came from the Scripps National Spelling Bee in the U.S. In particular, he said he was touched by watching a grandfather who had taken part in the spelling bee 50 years ago and then prepared his grandson to compete.
'In a diverse country like America, the spelling bee allows people from different backgrounds to find common ground in an American dream that they share in,' said Mr. Guan.
Mandarin has been an important part of the government's strategy to unify a vast country that spans the Uighur-speaking Muslims of the far West, and the dialects of Cantonese and Fujianese in the south. Contestants from various ethnic minority groups in China also took part in the competition in their ethnic dress, underscoring the idea that Chinese language brings the country together.
Some have been extremely outspoken on the issue. Wang Xuming, a former spokesman of the Ministry of Education, launched a campaign on his Weibo microblogging page, calling for the abolishment of English classes in primary schools and for putting more emphasis on studying Chinese.
'Save the children, save the Chinese language, save our culture!' he tweets frequently on his account, which has about 1.8 million followers.
The hope is that the show could reinvigorate enthusiasm for the language, which is 'one of the most spectacular treasures of Chinese civilization' and 'the fifth big invention the Chinese people have given to humanity,' according to the show's mission statement. The so-called 'four great inventions' from China typically are listed as paper, gunpowder, the compass and printing.
One paradox not lost on some viewers is that the characters being tested are themselves simplified Chinese, which was made the official script in China by the Communist Party in the 1950s to improve literacy. Hong Kong and Taiwan retained traditional Chinese, which usually has more strokes per character.
After eight qualifying rounds and two semifinals, 160 entrants were winnowed down to 15 for Friday night's final. Words such as Yili He, referring to a river that runs through Kazakhstan and China, and the word for chaff, brought the final down to two 14-year-old female classmates, who spend much of their days studying English at the Hangzhou Foreign Languages School.
The girls' coach said that while English is important, the school does teach Chinese, especially reading. 'Most people think that our school is only good at foreign-language teaching,' said Su Yunsheng, a teacher of Chinese at the school, in Hangzhou, about 110 miles from Shanghai. But she adds that students focus on English, and many go abroad for college. 'Our students are very good at English, especially English speaking,' Ms. Su said.
After about an hour and 15 minutes, there were four contestants remaining, including three girls from the Hangzhou school, wearing matching outfits of loose white T-shirts and three-quarter-length gray pants.
And then there were two. Lu Jialei and her teammate Yu Jiamin battled it out, but the two mouthed words of encouragement to each other in the background, their eyes lighting up when a word came up that they knew. In the fifth round, Miss Yu finally faltered on an obscure term, yang chen, which means to pretend to be angry.
The victor attributes her success to time spent in her family's bookstore in Hangzhou. 'I like reading in the store even though it is very noisy, because it forces me to calm down and read really carefully,' she said.
Her literary tastes are eclectic, ranging from controversial Chinese writer Yu Hua to American author O. Henry. Mr. Yu is best known for violent depictions of the Cultural Revolution and because the movie of his book 'To Live' was banned in China.
'I think English and Chinese are not conflicting,' Miss Lu said. 'They are each beautiful in their own way.'