松浦理英子(1958- Rieko Matsuura,)
1980一「肥満体恐怖症」"Himantai Kyofusho" (Obesity phobia),を『文學界』に発表
"Himantai Kyofusho" (Obesity phobia), a short story by Rieko Matsuura,
Friends help to create an 'empire of the flesh'
"Himantai Kyofusho" (Obesity phobia), a short story by Rieko Matsuura, is about a female university student who has trouble dealing with overweight people. Unfortunately, she ends up sharing her dormitory with three obese older students who torment her constantly.
One of her roommates says to her, clutching her hand, "If only you'd fatten up, this dorm could become an empire of the flesh. Wouldn't that be beautiful?"
ひまん 0 【肥満】
(2)〔医〕 体脂肪が体重の30パーセント以上を占める状態。一般に、体重が標準体重より10~30パーセント多い場合をいうことが多い。
肥満症 【ひまんしょう】
体脂肪が過剰に蓄積された状態。体重が標準体重より 30%以上多い場合をいう。肥胖(ひはん)症。脂肪過多症。