字 詞 | 囮 [囗部-4畫-共7畫] |
注 音 | ㄜˊ ㄧㄡˊ (點各音查相關詞) |
漢語拼音 | é yóu |
釋 義 | ㈠ ㄜˊ 名 鳥媒。即用以誘捕同類鳥的鳥。《廣韻.平聲.戈韻》:「囮,網鳥者媒。」 動 以威嚇的手段詐取財物。通「訛」。《儒林外史》第四二回:「被幾個喇子囮著,把衣服都剝掉了。」
訛 [言部-4畫-共11畫] |
注 音 | ㄜˊ |
漢語拼音 | é |
釋 義 | 名 - 錯誤。宋.朱熹〈山北紀行〉:「百世踵謬訛,彞倫日頹圮。」
- 謠言。如:「以訛傳訛」。《宋史.卷二九三.張詠傳》:「止訛之術,在乎識斷。」
- 姓。如宋代有訛勃囉。
形 不正確的、不實在的。如:「訛字」。《詩經.小雅.沔水》:「民之訛言,寧莫之懲。」 動 - 欺騙、恐嚇。如:「訛詐」。《紅樓夢》第四八回:「訛他拖欠官銀,拿他到衙門裡去。」
- 感化。《書經.堯典》:「申命羲叔,宅南交,平秩南訛。」《詩經.小雅.節南山》:「式訛爾心,以畜萬邦。」
鳥媒 囮子
- The partner in a comedy team who feeds lines to the other comedian; a straight man.
- One who allows oneself to be used for another's profit or advantage; a puppet.
- Slang. A stool pigeon.
intr.v., stooged, stoog·ing, stoog·es.
To be a stooge or behave like one.
[Origin unknown.]
Definition of stooge
1 derogatory a subordinate used by another to do unpleasant routine work: party stooges put there to do a job on behalf of central office
2a performer whose act involves being the butt of a comedian’s jokes: the stooge is offstage
[no object]1 informal move about aimlessly; drift or cruise:she stooged around in the bathroom for a while
2 perform a role that involves being the butt of a comedian’s jokes: (as noun stooging)his accent became popular through his stooging for comedians
early 20th century: of unknown origin