霓虹 |
注音一式 ㄋ|ˊ ㄏㄨㄥˊ |
漢語拼音 n h n | 注音二式 n h ng |
 | 雨過天晴時,出現在天上的彩色圓弧。外環暗淡較不清楚的是霓,內環鮮麗較明豔的是虹。如:「大雨過後,陽光乍現,天邊出現了一道霓虹。」 |  | 化學元素。為氖的音譯。為英語neon的音譯。 | |
neon swan, hydroxyl, hydrogen, oxygen
In the new issue of "Business Week", it used the birth of "neon swan" to symbolize Apple's position, it differs from Black Swan's unexpected, unpredictable, neon swan is a brilliant way to debut, to declare to the world i am coming. Apple which was single-handedly built by Steve Jobs, has created eight destruction events with whirlwind speed in just two years.