2008年12月21日 星期日

簡素 素直 白状


Sunao (素直之心) denotes a state of open-mindedness, an absence of mental rigidity, and ability to see things “exactly” for what they are. Sunao mind may be described as an untrapped mind, or an unhindered mind, one that is free from all the prejudice and emotional bias that usually colors how we perceive what is around us.

すなお 素直

~な gentle; mild; meek; docile; obedient.
~に obediently; meekly; gently.
~に白状する confess frankly.

すなお ―なほ 1 【素直】

[派生] ――さ(名)

はくじょう 白状

~する confess; admit.

