じゃくねん 若年
じゃくねん 0 【弱年/若年】
わかい 若い
young; 《年下》younger; 《未熟》inexperienced; immature; green.
・~者 a young man; 《弟子》an apprentice.
~うちが花だ Youth is the best time./ Youth's a stuff will not endure.
~とき旅をせねば老いての物語がない If you do not live life to its fullest while you are young, you will not have anything to talk about when you grow old.
~ときの苦労は買ってでもせよ Spare no effort while you are young.
~ときは親に従い,盛りにしては夫に従い,老いて子に従う Obey your parents in your youth, your husband when you marry, and your son when you are old.
~ときは二度ない You're only young once.
~身空(みそら)で入院生活とは気の毒だ What a shame to be in the hospital at such a young age!
・~者 a young man; 《弟子》an apprentice.

もし 若し
if; provided [supposing] ((that)); suppose
・~…でなければ unless.
・~…がなかったら but for; without.
・~よかったら if you like.
~クレオパトラの鼻が低かったら世界は違ったものになっていただろう If Cleopatra's nose had been shorter, the whole face of the earth would have changed.((パスカルの警句より.重大な影響を及ぼす小さな事柄の意)).
・~…でなければ unless.
・~…がなかったら but for; without.
・~よかったら if you like.
