Steven Holl expressed his belief that "Architecture is bound to situation. And I feel like the site is a metaphysical link, a poetic link, to what a building can be," during an interview with Josephine Minutillo for Architectural Digest in December 2011. This quote encapsulates his design philosophy, which is vividly illustrated in projects like the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art’s Bloch Building in Kansas City. Holl designed a series of interconnected glass pavilions that
harmoniously blend with the landscape, demonstrating his commitment to creating buildings that respond deeply to their sites. This project and others, like the Simmons Hall at MIT, reveal how Holl integrates light, space, and context to forge an emotional and sensory connection between the architecture and its environment.
2011 年12 月,史蒂文·霍爾在接受《建築文摘》約瑟芬·米尼蒂洛的採訪時表達了他的信念:「建築與環境息息相關。我覺得場地是建築的形而上學紐帶,是詩意的紐帶。霍爾設計了一系列相互連接的玻璃亭,與景觀和諧地融為一體,體現了他致力於創造與場地深度呼應的建築的決心。該計畫和麻省理工學院西蒙斯大廳等其他計畫展示了霍爾如何整合光線、空間和環境,在建築和環境之間建立情感和感官連結。
#StevenHoll #建築 #設計哲學 #NelsonAtkinsMuseum #BlochBuilding #GlassPavilions #SimmonsHall #MIT #LightSpaceContext #建築設計