【旂】注音一式 ㄑ|ˊ
解釋 一種在旗旒上畫龍,並在旗竿竿頭繫鈴作為裝飾的旗子。爾雅˙釋天:注旄首曰 旌,有鈴曰旂。郭璞˙注:縣鈴於竿頭,畫蛟龍於旒。孟子˙萬章下:庶人以旃,士以旂。趙岐˙注:旂,旌有鈴者。
泛指各種旗幟。爾雅˙釋天:旌旂。邢昺˙疏:旌旂者,九旗之名雖異,旌 旂為之摠稱,故以此題之。左傳˙僖公五年:均服振振,取虢之旂。
旐:解釋 一種畫有龜蛇圖樣的旗子。清˙朱駿聲˙說文通訓定聲˙小部:旐,旗畫龜蛇者。詩經˙小雅˙出車:設此旐矣,建彼旄矣。
旃 部首 方 部首外筆畫 6 總筆畫 10 | |||||||||||||||
注音一式 ㄓㄢ | |||||||||||||||
通用拼音 jhan | 注音二式 j n | ||||||||||||||
| (一)ㄇㄠˊ (二)ㄇㄠˋ | ||
| (一)ㄇㄠˊ 古代竿頭上飾有犛牛尾的旗幟。書經.牧誓:「右秉白 旄以麾。」文選.曹植.洛神賦:「左倚采旄,右蔭桂 旗。」 借指旄牛。文選.司馬相如.上林賦:「其獸則𡛻旄貘 犛。」 (二)ㄇㄠˋ 毛長。爾雅.釋獸:「旄毛狗足。」郭璞.注:「旄, 毛鯴長。」 珏老。史記.卷七十八.春申君傳.太史公曰:「(春申 君)後制於李園,旄矣。」 玪昏亂。通「耄」。戰國策.楚策一:「水漿無入口,瘨 而殫悶,旄不知人。」老人。通「耄」。禮記.射義:「旄期稱道不亂。」 |
noun [C]
an object which is respected by a group of people, especially for religious reasons:
Television could be seen as a totem of modern society.
totem( pole )
noun [C]
a tall wooden pole with symbols cut or painted on it, which is part of the tradition of the Native Americans of the west coast of Canada and the northern USA
**** 例
The Heraldry Society of Scotland蘇格蘭宗譜家徽學會(Welcome to our Website. The aim of this website is to bring about a greater awareness of the Art and Law of the gentle science of Scotland's unique heraldry and also to provide a forum for the Society's heraldry enthusiasts, the heraldic professionals and the public at large. )
Pronunciation: 'heruldree
WordNet Dictionary
Definition: [n] emblem indicating the right of a person to bear arms
[n] the study and classification of armorial bearings and the tracing of genealogies
See Also: armorial bearing, arms, bearing, blazon, blazonry, charge, coat of arms, emblem, enquiry, heraldic bearing, inquiry, research
2009 暫時無法連接之
Webster's 1913 Dictionary Definition: \Her"ald*ry\, n.
The art or office of a herald; the art, practice, or science
of recording genealogies, and blazoning arms or ensigns
armorial; also, of marshaling cavalcades, processions, and
public ceremonies.
coat of arms noun [C] plural coats of arms
a special shield or shield-shaped pattern which is the sign of a family, university or city
這位世界上最著名的戰士是向在愛丁堡的蘇格蘭司章委員會提出這一申請的。 法律允許鮑威爾代表他的父親進行申請。他的父親是出生在牙買加的移民,當年牙買加是英國的殖民地。但鮑威爾的蘇格蘭血統則是源自於他的母親。 如果他的申請得到批准,鮑威爾的族徽上將包含一隻美國白頭海雕。