並非冷漠的大自然 By C. 愛森斯坦 中國電影出版社,1996,p.294
China and the Chinese • Herbert Allen Giles; the Canterbury Tales By
China and the Chinese • Herbert Allen Giles
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The question of rhyme in Chinese is a curi-
ous one, and before going any farther it may be
as well to try to clear it up a little. All Chi-
nese poetry is in rhyme ; there is no such thing
as blank verse. The Odes^ collected and edited
by Confucius, provide the standard of rhyme.
Any words which are found to rhyme there
may be used as rhymes anywhere else, and no
others. The result is, that the number of
rhyme-groups is restricted to 106 ; and not only
that, but of course words which rhymed to the
ear five hundred years B.C. do so no longer in 1902.
Yet such are the only authorised rhymes to be
used in poetry, and any attempt to ignore the
rule would insure disastrous failure at the public
This point may to some extent be illustrated
in English. The first two lines of the Canter-
bury Tales^ which I will take to represent the
Odes^ run thus in modern speech : —
" When that April is with his showers sweet,
The drought of March hath pierced to the root."
No one nowadays rhymes sweet with root.
Neither did Chaucer; the two words, sate and
rote were in his days perfect rhymes. But if
we were Chinese, we should now rhyme sweet
with root^ because, so to speak, Chaucer did so.