2012年8月25日 星期六

福物, 福袋,知恵袋






one's brain; the brain


福袋不超值? 竹市大遠百:不退費

聯合新聞網 - 19 小時前
10多位民眾今天到新竹市大遠百,投訴大遠百福袋「一點都不超值」,花兩千元購買卻只領到價值約1000元的保溫瓶、保溫桶,他們要求大遠百提供等值產品或禮券賠償,大遠百 ...

不要棉被! 台中大遠百福袋700人要求退款

ETtoday - 2 小時前
▲主打福袋有3C產品,大多數人卻抽到棉被、毯子等,於是集體要求退費。(圖/東森新聞) 過年買福袋抽大獎已經成為民眾的另類樂趣,不過,拿到獎品後,總是幾家歡樂幾家 ...


Fukubukuro (福袋 lucky bag, mystery bag?) is a Japanese New Year's Day custom where merchants make grab bags filled with unknown random contents and sell them for a substantial discount, usually 50% or more off the list price of the items contained within. The low prices are usually done to attract customers to shop at that store during the new year. The term is formed from Japanese fuku (福, good fortune/luck) and fukuro (袋, bag). The change of fukuro to bukuro is the phenomenon known as rendaku. Fukubukuro usually are snapped up quickly by eager customers, with some stores having long lines snake around city blocks hours before the store opens on New Year's Day. Formerly, Fukubukuro were an easy way for stores to unload excess and unwanted merchandise from the previous year, due to a Japanese superstition that one must not start the New Year with unwanted trash from the previous year and start clean. Nowadays, Fukubukuro are pushed as a lavish New Year's event rather than a way for stores to get rid of excess merchandise.


1. 福物
注音一式 ㄈㄨˊ ㄨˋ
漢語拼音 f  w 注音二式 f  w


