2013年3月1日 星期五

獵, 堉,菀 ,御苑,意義

有什麼分別?人生的意義不在於何以有生,而在自己怎樣生活。你若情願把這六尺之軀葬送在白晝作夢之上 那就是你這一生的意義。你若發憤振作起來,決心去尋求生命的意義,去創造自己的生命的意義,那麼,你活一日便有一日的意義,作一事便添一事的意義,生命無窮,生命的意義也無窮了。----胡適

liè   ㄌㄧㄝˋ
 1. 捕捉禽獸:~捕。~獲。~逐。~取。~奇。狩~。田~。漁~。圍~。
 2. 打獵的:~人。~戶。~狗。~槍。







(一)lie4《廣韻》良涉切,入葉來。盍部。 (1) 打獵,捕捉禽獸。《說文‧犬部》:“獵,放獵逐禽也。”《玉篇‧犬部》:“獵,大〔犬〕取獸也。”《廣韻‧葉韻》:“獵,取獸。《白虎通》曰:‘四時之 田,黹蛲匆心伛名為獵,為田除害也。’《尸子》曰:‘宓羲氏之世,天下多獸,故教人以獵也。’”《詩‧魏風‧伐檀》:“不狩不獵,胡瞻爾庭有縣貆兮。”鄭 玄箋:“冬獵曰狩,宵田曰獵。”唐李白《送趙雲卿》:“如逢渭川獵,猶可帝王師。”陳毅《贛南游擊詞》:“夏吃楊梅冬剝筍,獵取野遍山忙。” (2)追求;尋求。《法言‧學行》:“耕道而得道,獵德而得德。”《文心雕龍‧辨騷》:“故才高者其鴻裁,中巧者獵其豔辭。”唐呂溫《風詠》:“輕搖深林翠,靜獵幽徑芳。”
(3)凌虐。《爾雅‧釋言》:“獵,虐也。”郭璞注:“淩獵,暴虐。”郝懿行義疏:“虐者,《說文》云:‘殘也。’殘兼暴、害、賊、惡諸義。獵者,畋獵逐 禽,亦為殘害於物也……獵訓為虐,與《釋詁》‘獮,殺也’義同。”《國語‧吳語》:“今大夫國子興其
庶,以犯獵吳國之師徒,天若不知有罪,則何以使 下國勝!”韋昭注:“獵,震也。”
(5)古代卜用龜品種名。《爾雅‧釋魚》:“龜,俯者靈,仰者謝,前弇諸果,後弇諸獵。”郭璞注:“獵,甲後長。”郝懿行義疏:“《春官‧卜師》:‘凡 卜,辨龜之上下、左右、陰陽,以授命龜者。’龜人掌六龜之屬,各有名物:天龜曰靈屬……南龜曰獵屬,北龜曰若屬。”宋王安石《同王浚賢良賦龜》:“卜人官 廢亦已久,果獵誰復知殊稱﹖”
(9)通“躐”。踐踏。《詩‧齊風‧南山》“蓺麻如之何﹖衡從其畝”毛傳:“衡獵之,從獵之,種之然後得麻。”孔穎達疏:“在田逐禽謂之獵,則獵是行步踐 履之名。衡,古橫字也。衡獵之,縱獵之,謂既耕而東西踐躡既鄄木摩之也。”《荀子‧議兵》:“不殺老弱,不獵禾稼。”楊倞注:“獵與躐同,踐也。”



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Changing seasons show us nature's strength

I took a walk in Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden 新宿御苑 on Sunday when this season's first cold wintry wind hit Tokyo. With the drop of temperature in recent days, leaves fell and formed patterns that looked like pointillist paintings on sunny spots on the lawn. With each gust of wind, cherry trees shed leaves of various shades of yellow, red and brown with a rustle.
A short while ago in this column, I marveled at the "multitalented" dogwood, which blooms in the spring, produces colorful foliage in the fall and bears red berries in late fall.
I wrote that compared with the dogwood, which gives us pleasure three times a year, the cherry pours all its life force into its spring blossoms. In response, a number of readers wrote me that cherry trees in the fall aren't so bad, either.
Since the cherry tree is viewed by many as the champion of flowering trees, I was so impressed with its springtime cherry blossom front in Japan that I tended to neglect the changing colors of its leaves.
But some people are observant of the tree's fall sideshow. One reader gave the following description with reference to the random way individual leaves change colors that are slightly different from each other: "It is a gentle and intricate form of supreme art. The use of color is reminiscent of (the French painter Paul) Cezanne." I looked at the leaves up close and was impressed with the observation.
More and more, we hear news of snow from the north. On Monday, the first freezing of the season was observed in Kyushu. At long last, it seems the cold and heat have balanced out. Could it be that the Earth renewed its resolve to put up a fight against global warming?
A consolidated report on global warming published by the United Nations warns that the advancement of global warming depends on how much effort we make to fight it in the next two to three decades.
If we sit back and do nothing, it could cause irreversible damage through the rise in sea levels and extinction of endangered species. Ban Ki Moon, the U.N. secretary-general, said: "The world's scientists have spoken clearly and with one voice. I expect the world's policymakers to do the same."
At a time of abnormal weather, it is good that the four seasons change in proper order. I found myself doing some soul-searching and thought we must change our wasteful lifestyles while nature still retains its resilience as if I were speaking for all humankind. Standing at the threshold of winter, I feel the underlying strength of changing seasons.
--The Asahi Shimbun, Nov. 20(IHT/Asahi: November 21,2007)

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