2023年6月30日 星期五

甲斐 ikigai 來光 收束


「プリゴジンの反乱」収束の真相 罵詈雑言の電話、家族への脅しも? 「軍幹部の悪事を止めなければならない。邪魔する者はすべて壊滅させる」 23日夜、SNSに投稿された動画でプリゴジン氏は険しい表情で訴え、ロシア軍に対する武装蜂起を宣言した。 その後、ワグネル部隊は組織的な抵抗をほとんど受けないままモスクワまで約200キロに迫った。 そんな混乱の中で、水面下の「交渉」は着々と進んでいた。

富士山が山開き、ご来光「出たよ!」 世界遺産10年のシーズン開幕 富士山が山梨県側の5合目から頂上に向かう吉田ルートの山開きを迎えました。 世界文化遺産登録から10年の節目でもある2023年の登山シーズン。 ご来光はどうたったのでしょうか。 たくさんの写真とともにお届けします。

10 Lessons from the book "Ikigai" by Héctor García

1. Finding your ikigai means discovering your unique purpose and bringing it to life in everything you do.
2. Ikigai is a reason to get up in the morning. It is a profound sense of fulfillment and joy that comes from aligning your passions, talents, and values with what the world needs.
3. Ikigai is not about grand achievements or success. It is about finding meaning and contentment in the simplicity of everyday life.
4. The key to a long and happy life lies in cultivating strong social connections and nurturing relationships that bring love, support, and belonging.
5. Living with purpose and intention is the secret to longevity and vitality. When we have a clear sense of why we wake up each day, we have a reason to keep going, no matter our age.
6. Ikigai is not found in external circumstances or possessions. It is an inner state of being that can be accessed by cultivating presence, gratitude, and mindfulness.
7. Embracing challenges and finding joy in the process of growth and learning is at the core of living a fulfilling and meaningful life.
8. Living with ikigai means being in harmony with nature, finding beauty in simplicity, and appreciating the small moments that make up our existence.
9. Discovering your ikigai is a lifelong journey. It requires self-reflection, curiosity, and openness to change. But the rewards are infinite: a life filled with purpose, happiness, and a deep sense of fulfillment.
10. Ikigai is a reminder that our lives matter, that we have a unique contribution to make to the world, and that every day is an opportunity to live fully and authentically.
Thanks for reading
For more👉Hassan Sas Bangura Blog

甲斐‎ (Japanese): meaning, translation

甲斐甲斐 (Japanese). Kanji in this term: 甲, 斐. Noun. 甲斐 (かい). value, reward, avail, being fruitful or worth doing. Proper noun.
甲斐. 【接尾】 有意义的yǒu yìyì de,有价值的yǒu jiàzhí de。(その行為の結果としての効果、価値、張り合いなどの意を表す。) 大いに生き甲斐のある生活/大有意义 ...


