【每週精選文物 Work of the Week】
<金翅鳥> (please scroll down for English version)
<金翅鳥> (please scroll down for English version)
此類毗濕奴墜飾通常由尼瓦爾族女童在ihi 儀式(象徵嫁給毗濕奴)中,男童在儀式慶典(如 Krishna Jansasthami)或由剛滿77 歲又7 個月7 天的婦女在特定儀式(梵文:Bhima Ratha,尼文:Jya Jhanko)中佩戴。達到此年紀的老人被視為可通往神居之界,在該儀式中受尊崇。本品傳為 hord Elgiu 家族收藏。此家族第八代及第九代均曾任英廷特派之印度總督。
展覽地點:香港中文大學文物館展廳 II及III
展覽地點:香港中文大學文物館展廳 II及III
文物資料 Information of the Work
金嵌寶石毗濕奴墜飾 Gold ornament with Viṣṇu on Garuḍa
尼泊爾,19 世紀 Nepal, 19th century
高H 7.2cm,寬W 3.7cm,厚TH1.6cm
承訓堂藏品 Chengxuntang collection
文物資料 Information of the Work
金嵌寶石毗濕奴墜飾 Gold ornament with Viṣṇu on Garuḍa
尼泊爾,19 世紀 Nepal, 19th century
高H 7.2cm,寬W 3.7cm,厚TH1.6cm
承訓堂藏品 Chengxuntang collection
The spectacular ornament features a four-armed form of the Hindu deity Viṣṇu riding his affiliated vehicle, the mythical garuḍa bird. Green glass forms Viṣṇu’s characteristic dark skin tones. Viṣṇu holds distinctive attributes: the conch, lotus, discus and mace—all are made from gold as are the hands that delicately grasp them. He wears the ornaments of a king—a crown, earrings, necklaces, armlets, bracelets and so forth and a halo arcs over his head. In contrast, garuḍa bird-vehicle is inset in red excepting garuḍa’s face is made from gold. Garuḍa’s wings are display a rainbow of colors. Seventeen pendants hang below, each comprised of a gold foil disk joined with a wire to a pearl that is joined to a four-knot crochet link that connects to the bottom of the ornament. These types of ornaments were primarily intended as forehead ornaments where a cord was passed through the loops on the back then the hook fastened farther back on the head to prevent it from dropping forward as part of a sir bhandi tiara. Even if this was the intention, it might have been worn in other ways including hanging in front of the ear and looped over the ear— of both a living individual and a statue of a divinity.
This ornament might be worn by young Newar girls for their ihi ceremony (of ritual marriage to the god Viṣṇu), by young boys for ritual celebration (such as Krishna Jansasthami) or for women who have achieved the auspicious age of seventy-seven years, seven months, and seven days as part of a ritual (called Bhima Ratha in Sanskrit and Jya Jhanko in Newari). This ritual honors women and men who surpass this age and thus are believed to have passage to the land of the gods.
Source: p. 126, vol.1, Jewels of Transcendence: Himalayan and Mongolian Treasures
The gorgeous piece is currently on show in the Art Museum. Do come and visit it!
Exhibition title: Jewels of Transcendence: Himalayan and Mongolian Treasures
Exhibition Period: From 30 September 2018 to 24 February 2019
Venue: Gallery II & III, Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Exhibition title: Jewels of Transcendence: Himalayan and Mongolian Treasures
Exhibition Period: From 30 September 2018 to 24 February 2019
Venue: Gallery II & III, Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
最早的吠陀文獻沒有提到迦樓羅,關於它的完整傳說大概產生於史詩時代。大史詩《摩訶婆羅多》提供了關於該鳥的詳盡神話。迦葉波仙人[註 1]娶生主達剎的兩個女兒迦德盧與毗娜達為妻。迦德盧生眾蛇(那伽),毗娜達生婆藪之一的阿嚕那(黎明神)與金翅鳥。迦德盧與毗娜達以眾神攪乳海所獲的神馬高耳的尾巴顏色打賭,負者要成為勝者的奴隸。迦德盧猜黑色,毗娜達猜白色;由於迦德盧利用自己的兒子作弊,命令一些黑色的小蛇附在馬尾巴上裝成馬毛,結果毗娜達淪為奴隸。不久迦樓羅降生,出生時火光沖天,眾神與仙人都非常害怕,誤以為是火神阿耆尼發怒。後來得知是金翅鳥出世,就紛紛趕來讚頌它。金翅鳥發覺母親是迦德盧及其子蛇族的奴隸,為擺脫這種不幸地位,決心奪取天神的至寶不死甘露送給眾蛇以換取自由[註 2]。金翅鳥威力非凡,輕易就打敗了眾神搶走甘露。在返回的路上,金翅鳥與毗濕奴相遇,毗濕奴選擇金翅鳥為坐騎,同時將以其形象畫在自己的旗幟上。金翅鳥則從毗濕奴處獲兩個恩典:1,不喝甘露也永生不死;2,迦德盧的後代,即地上的蛇類將永遠是它的食物。神王因陀羅追擊金翅鳥,但全力一擊卻只能打掉一根鳥毛;三界眾生大驚失色,紛紛稱讚其羽毛美麗,於是金翅鳥得到名字美翼(Suparna)。因陀羅見無法以力取勝,遂與金翅鳥約定,只要甘露被放到地上,他就可以將甘露取回。事件的結果,毗娜達獲得自由,天神取回甘露,而眾蛇一無所獲。
佛教認為,迦樓羅是護持佛的天龍八部之一,有種種莊嚴寶象,金身,頭生如意珠,鳴聲悲苦,每天吞食一條龍王和五百條毒龍[註 3]。隨著體內毒氣聚集,迦樓羅最後無法進食,上下翻飛七次後,飛往金剛輪山,毒氣發作,全身自焚,只剩一個純青琉璃心。天下有無數迦樓羅,由威德、大身、大滿、如意四大迦樓羅王統領。同時,迦樓羅也是觀世音的護法之一,觀世音形象萬千,也可以化身為迦樓羅。在密宗的體系中,迦樓羅(藏語:khyung)是五方佛中北方羯摩不空成就佛的坐騎,人面鳥身,寓意法王攝引一切,無不歸者。
- 《摩訶婆羅多》,中國社會科學出版社,ISBN 7-5004-5246-2
- 《世界神話辭典》,遼寧人民出版社,ISBN 7-205-00960-X/I·77
- 《宗教詞典》,上海辭書出版社,ISBN 978-7-5326-2840-7
- 維基共享資源中有關迦樓羅的多媒體資源