2018年1月20日 星期六


【每週精選文物 Work of the Week】
藏品介紹參考:文物館季訊 (1982年第3卷第4期)、Views from Jade Terrace: Chinese Women Artists 1300-1912 p.149-150
作品資料 Information of the Work
蔬果圖卷 (局部)
Vegetables and Fruits (partial)
吳尚熹 Wu Shangxi
清 Qing Dynasty 1644-1911
Collection of Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
In this age, there are a lot of talented women who get the chance to shine in front of everyone. But in the past, that wasn’t as easy. This week, we are introducing a very gifted female poet and painter from the Qing dynasty, Wu Shangxi.
In ancient China, female painters were generally either noble women or courtesans. Wu belongs to the former group. Her father Wu Rongguang was a renowned high-ranking government official and scholar in Guangdong during the Daoguang reign of the Qing dynasty. His calligraphy was regarded as the best in the province of his time. Wu Shangxi has a seal that inscribes a line: “Travelled a hundred miles following my father and husband”. This shows that the male family members of Wu were actually quite open-minded and supportive when compared with their contemporaries and Wu herself was quite proud of that. However, Wu once wrote a poem with a line that says: "The aspiration of mine has nothing inferior to that of the men. The only fault was that I was never born a son." From this, we can observe how she felt confined by her gender.
According to the inscription on this painting, what was presented was “heavenly food in the realm of the immortals.” The painting was a gift from Wu to a friend of her father’s and was in the style of Yun Shouping. The horizontal composition is artful and the vegetables and fruits are vividly portrayed with refined use of the brush. The bright and harmonious colour is a delight to the eyes. The techniques demonstrated in the piece indeed, was "nothing inferior to that of the men".
Reference: Art Museum Bulletin vol.3 no.4, Views from Jade Terrace: Chinese Women Artists 1300-1912 p.149-150

  1. [名] 纏劍柄的繩索。《廣韻.平聲.侯韻》:「緱,刀劍頭纏絲為緱。」宋.蘇軾〈武昌銅劍歌〉:「蘇子得之何所為,蒯緱彈鋏詠新詩。」
  2. [名] 姓。如明代有緱謙。

[gōu lǐng]ㄍㄡ
即 緱ㄍㄡ氏山 。多指修道成仙之處。
唐 崔湜 《寄天臺司馬先生》詩:“何年 緱嶺 上,一謝洛陽 城。” 明 屠隆 《綵毫記·泛舟采石》:“二神姬鼓瑟湘靈 ,兩仙郎吹笙緱嶺 。” 清 吳偉業 《七夕即事》詩之四:“ 淮南 丹未熟, 緱嶺 樹先秋。”參見“ 緱氏山 ”。


宮掖- 教育百科

注音:, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄧㄝˋ. 漢語拼音:, gōng yè. 解釋:. 古稱嬪妃的居處為掖庭。宮掖指宮中。唐.陳鴻《長恨傳》:「秦人風俗,是夜張錦繡,陳飲食,樹瓜華,焚香於庭,號為『乞巧』。宮掖間尤尚之。」《初刻拍案驚奇.卷三九》:「少攻符術,多行厭勝,監軍使攜至京國,因緣中貴,出入宮掖,遂賜天師號。」 古稱嬪妃的居處為掖庭。宮掖指宮中。唐.陳鴻《長恨傳》:「秦人風俗,是夜張錦繡,陳飲食,樹瓜華,焚香於庭,號為『乞巧』。宮掖間尤尚之。」《初刻拍案驚奇.卷三九》:「少攻符術,多行厭勝,監軍使攜至京國,因緣中 ...


