2017年7月14日 星期五

饒益,作踐, 甕牖,甕牖繩樞,瑚璉之器



 1.  富裕。 
   ▶ 《史記‧貨殖列傳》: “七十子之徒, 賜 最為饒益。” 
   ▶ 宋 何薳 《春渚紀聞‧歙山斗星研》: “色正天碧, 細羅文中涵金星七, 布列如斗宿狀, 輔星在焉。 因目之為斗星研。 
   ▶ 汪 自是家道饒益。” 
 2.  指贏利。 
   ▶ 清 曾國藩 《新寧劉君墓碑銘》: “當君初賈異縣, 頗求饒益, 以娛親心。” 
 3.  使人受利。 
   ▶ 南朝 宋 謝靈運 《廬山慧遠法師誄》: “廣演慈悲, 饒益眾生。” 
   ▶ 《敦煌變文匯錄‧譬喻經變文》: “恨你在生之日, 慳貪疾垢, 日夜只是算人, 無一念饒益之心, 只是萬般損害。” 
   ▶ 許地山 《綴網勞蛛‧換巢鸞鳳》: “你為饒益眾生, 舍得將自己作踐。” 

孔子死後,他的學生 原憲 選擇隱居衛國,住在簡陋的房子裡。
有一天,在衛國當宰相的 子貢 坐著駟馬高車登門造訪,又因為原憲住的巷子太小,只好跟隨從們一起下車步行。
【元 趙孟頫 甕牖圖】
Teacher Exemplar for a Myriad Generations: Confucius in Painting, Calligraphy, and Print Through the Ages (Northern Branch)
【Window of Broken Pottery】
Zhao Mengfu (1254-1322), Yuan dynasty
Handscroll, ink and colors on silk, 27.1 x 100.5 cm
展期(Dates):2017/07/01 ~ 09/28
陳列室(Galleries):202, 208, 212
  Zhao Mengfu (style name Zi'ang, sobriquet Songxue daoren) was gifted at writing poetry and prose with pure lyricism. He also promoted revivalism in painting and calligraphy in the manner of the Tang and Song dynasties, becoming a model for later generations.
  The painting illustrates the story of Confucius' disciples. One day, Zigong visited the residence of Yuan Xian, who lived in a humble hut with mulberry wood supports and a window made from broken pottery. It illustrates the idea of how a true gentleman takes joy in the Way and not material possessions, the story also appearing in "Exemplary Biographies of the Disciples of Zhongni (Confucius)" in Records of the Grand Historian. Duanmu Ci, style name Zigong, was a native of Wei and 31 years younger than Confucius. He became wealthy as a merchant and went on to serve as a statesman in Lu. On the other hand, Yuan Xian, a native of Song 26 years younger than Confucius, was poor but took joy in studying the Way in reclusion.
  The painting here is done without texture strokes for the mountains and landforms, featuring only precise outlines filled with blue-green coloring. The brushwork for the drapery lines of the figures is fluid yet powerful in the archaic manner of the Tang dynasty. In the lower right corner of the painting is the character "suo 索" from the "Thousand-Character Essay" used as an accession number by Xian Yuanbian (1525-1590) in the Ming dynasty. There is also an inscription of his that reads, "Remounted at the Tianlai Pavilion in the eighth lunar month during autumn in the 31st Jiajing year of the Ming (1558)" and his record for the "original price: 50 taels."
【元 趙孟頫 甕牖図】
Website: http://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh106/Confucius/en/index.html

注音: ㄨㄥˋ ㄧㄡˇ ㄕㄥˊ ㄕㄨ
漢語拼音: wèng yǒu shéng shū



