2017年6月26日 星期一

依,判,判然,外判,斷然,依依,瞻依,依然,無所依, 頭白依然不識字.

 夏濟安先生"白話文與新詩" (此篇反硬譯又談學子受翻譯的影響*)中曾嘆此consent 有時的意思是"依"

(談林語堂氣《瞬息京華》的"亂譯者"沒說北京話:" 請你同意罷"應該是"你依我罷" --不過,  後人硬將"依"逐出我們的字彙。.)
2013年按: 依字很有歷史  譬如說:

研究报告:保险制度不改 德将老无所依

Search for "依" [Condition = Ignore case, Substring]

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V.i. & t.(1)  To rely on: 倚靠,靠 to depend on (s.o.);
無靠 no one to support for living, quite alone;

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V.t.據 rely on;

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V.t.托,托賴 rely on;

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Words67. [xiang1yi1], v.i., depend on each other: 母子相為命 the mother and son share their life together.

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Words6. 輔車 [fu3jU1], n., (AC) as in 輔車相 rely on one another as wheel guard and cart or (in another explanation) as cheek and jowl.

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V.t.(1)  Rely or depend on, have (s.t.) as last resort: 倚賴,賴,仰賴,托賴 depend on (s.o., s.t.) for support;

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Words3. 故我 [gu4e3], (re. pr.) pron., my old self: 然故我 I am still my old self.

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Adj.舊 as of old;

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Adv.百順 obedient in all things;

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Words7. 飄零 [piao1ling2], adj., lonely and adrift (of person): 飄零無 friendless, also 飄落,飄蓬.

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V.i. & t.附勢,附權貴 rely on the rich and powerful;

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Words9. *[bi4yi3], adj., (AC) slanting, unbalanced.

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Adv.別有所本,據 is based on another source;
別無所有,靠 have no other possession, friends or relatives for help;

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Prep.按照,照 according to (regulations, agreement, etc.);

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N.準時,時 punctually;

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Words6. [zhan1yi1], V.i., to respect and depend upon one's parents, from allu. 靡瞻匪父,靡匪母(詩).

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V.i. & t.負嵎險 to fight from high position, back to cliffside.

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Words1. 脣齒 [chun2chi3], n., 脣齒相 close interdependence.

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Words11. [ping2yi1], n. & v.t., see [ping2jie4]↑.

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N.次 one by one in order;

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Words9. [zun1yi1], v.t., [zun1zhao4]↑.

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V.t.(2)  To see a point, realize, appreciate: 我看 as I see it;
Words6. 看法 [kan4fa3], n., way one looks at it: 我看法 as I see it; 看法不同 another way of looking at it.

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ㄧˇ [yi3]. [Closely related to and largely interch. 91A.02]
Words7. 倚仗 [yi3zhang4]2, v.t., to rely on powerful connections (also ).
9. 倚靠 [yi3kao4], v.t., ditto (also 靠).
10. 倚賴 [yi3lai4], v.t., to rely on (s.o.), not to stand on one's own feet (also ); 倚賴性 lack of self-reliance, inability to stand on one's own feet, habit to depend on others.
14. 倚恃 [yi3shi4]1, v.t., to depend on (also ).
16. 倚托 [yi3tuo1], v.t., to rely on s.o.’s support (also ).

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V.i. & t.(1)  To consent, to obey a wish: 著你 obey, accept your wish;
我要離婚,她不 I want a divorce, but she will not consent;
will you do what I say, or won't you? 著他的話罷 just do what he wants.
(2)  To rely on, to be based upon: 賴,靠 [yi1lai4], [yi1kao4]↓;
山靠水 (a city) based on the hill at the back and overlooking the river or sea;
人籬下 to be dependent on s.o. for a living;
草附木 orig. (of brigands) based on jungles and wild country, also (fig.) rely on powerful friends;
also as n., 無無靠 friendless and helpless;
s.o. or s.t. (friends, relatives) to rely on for help;
書直說 go by the book.
(3)  (Coll.) to pardon: 不不饒 will never pardon;
我必和你不 I'll not let you go with this, see 饒 81B.70.
Prep.According to: 我所見 according to my mind;
他(所)說 according to what he says;
律辦理 settle according to law;
實招供 confess the truth at court.
Words1. 傍 [yi1bang4], v.t., to rely on s.o. more powerful; to imitate slavishly anc. models in writing: 傍古人.
2. 前 [yi1qian2], adv., as it used to be, as formerly, see [yi1jiu4]↓.
3. 戴 [yi1dai4], v.t., (LL) to look up to (s.o.) with respect or gratitude.
4. 附 [yi1fu4], v.t., to act as satellite (to s.o.), to join s.o.’s camp; to go to (relative) for a living.
5. 歸 [yi1gui1], (1) v.t., to return to (place, person, faith); (2) n., an anchor, refuge: 無所歸 drifting, without anchor or shelter.
6. 仗 [yi1zhang4], v.t., to rely on (person, money, situation, personal connections).
7. 照 [yi1zhao4], (1) prep., according to (your opinion, terms of contract, etc.); (2) v.t., to obey, accept, follow (path, instructions, wish, etc.).
8. 舊 [yi4jiu4], adv., as it used to be, still…as usual: 舊不改 still unrepentent; 舊貧困 poor as usual.
9. 據 [yi1jU4], (1) n., basis (for statement, belief, reasoning): 沒有據 without basis; (2) v.t., to base oneself on: 據這學說 according to this theory.
10. 靠 [yi1kao4], v.t. & n., to depend on (s.o.); dependence, support.
11. 賴 [yi1lai4], v.t., ditto.
12. 戀 [yi1lian4], v.t., to continue to long for, to love.
13. 慕 [yi1mu4], v.t., to love, adore, long for (person).
14. 然 [yi1ran2], adv., still, as usual.
15. 稀 [yi1xi1], adj., indistinct (shadows, image).
16. 實 [yi1shi2], adv., (report, confess) truthfully, according to fact.
17. 隨 [yi1sui2], v.t., to follow (person, wish).
18. 從 [yi1cong2], v.i. & t., to accept, obey (opinion, command).
19. 次 [yi1ci4], adv., according to proper order.
20. 託 [yi1tuo1], v.t., (1) to live with s.o. when in need; (2) to take anecdote in history as basis; to write fiction based on fact.
21. 違 [yi1wei2], v.i., as in 違兩可 be undecided, have no definite conviction of one's own.
22. 樣 [yi1yang4], adv., according to model or pattern: 樣畫葫蘆 do the routine thing without thinking, slavishly copy or imitate.
23. [yi1yi1], adj., clinging, unable to part.
24. 倚 [yi1yi3], v.t., see [yi1kao4]↑.
25. 約 [yi1yUe1], (1) adj., see [yi1xi1]↑; (2) phr., in accordance with promise.

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Adj.門賣俏 (or 笑) to flirt near the door with passengers;

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V.t.esp. in 傍 to be dependent on (person), to copy or imitate (masters);

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V.t.(1)  To rely on: 仰仗,倚仗,仗,憑仗 to rely on s.o.’s power or help;

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V.t.從 to comply with (s.o.’s wish);

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Words28. [gui1yi1], v.i., become a Buddhist (also wr. 皈).

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V.i.Be converted to Buddhism, become a Buddhist: 皎(=歸).

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Vb.aux.能不 can I not help thinking of you? 不能不 cannot help;

(一)yi1《廣韻》於希切,平微影。微部。 (1) 倚傍;靠著。《說文‧人部》:“依,倚也。”《孫子‧行軍》:“凡處軍相敵,絕山依谷。”賈林注:“依谷,傍谷也。”《三國演義》第六十七回:“可于 (陽平)關之左右,依山傍林,下十餘個寨柵,迎敵曹兵。”蕭紅《看風箏》:“老人依著街頭電線杆,他的黑色影子纏住電杆。” (2)依托;依靠。《廣雅‧釋詁三》:“依,恃也。”《書‧無逸》:“則知小人之依。”孔傳:“則知小人之所依怙。”《史記‧司馬相如列傳》:“長卿故倦游,雖貧,其人材足依也。”唐溫庭筠《江南曲》:“花開子留樹,草長根依土。”
(二)yi3《集韻》隱豈切,上尾影。微部。 (1)譬喻。《集韻‧尾韻》:“依,譬喻也。”《禮記‧學記》:“不學博依,不能安詩。”鄭玄注:“博依,廣譬喻也。” (2)安。《詩‧大雅‧公劉》:“篤公劉,于京斯依。”朱熹注:“依,安也。”
(4)通“扆”。戶牖之間的屏風。《儀禮‧士虞禮》:“佐食無事,則出戶負依南面。”鄭玄注:“戶牖之間謂之依。”《禮記‧曲禮下》:“天子當依而立。” 鄭玄注:“依,本又作扆,狀如屏風,畫為黼文,高八尺。”《漢書‧嚴助傳》:“負黼依,馮玉几。”顏師古注:“依讀曰扆。扆形如屏風而曲之,畫以黼文,張 於戶牖之間。”

依然【季報】美國谷歌08年Q1繼續保持良好勢頭 銷售額比上年同期增長42% ■日文原文 【決算】米Google社は依然好調,売上高が前年同期比42%増



石濤》之一, 《石濤濟》之二, 《石濤濟》之一, 《釋元濟印》. 《四百峰中箬笠翁圖書》之二, 《四百峰中箬笠翁圖書》之一, 《搜盡奇峰打草稿》, 《頭白依然不識字...


だんぜん 断然
(副)(1)態度をきっぱりとするさま。「私は―あの人に投票す るわ」「何といわれようと―断る」(2)程度の差が明らかであるさま。なみはずれて。「こっちの方が―得だ」(ト/タル)[文]形動タリきっぱりとした態 度をとるさま。「―たる処置をとる」「―たる決心/家(藤村)」

《きっぱり》firmly; resolutely; positively; 《はっきり》decidedly; absolutely; altogether; by far.・~拒否する refuse flatly.・~良い by far the better [best].





The meaning of his advice is clear now.
There are distinct differences between the two.
I cannot make a definite choice between the two.
I don't understand the situation fully yet.

NEC will likely outsource more production of chips as a way to ensure against a sudden drop in demand.

outsource 1979
verb [I or T] 委外 外包
If a company outsources, it pays to have part of its work done by another company:
Unions are fighting a plan by universities to outsource all non-academic services.
Some companies outsource to cheaper locations to cut costs.
outsourcing Show phonetics
noun [U]
The management guaranteed that outsourcing wouldn't mean job losses.
委外或稱外包英語:outsourcing,香港 外判)為於1980年代流行起來的商業用語,是商業活動決策之一,指將承包合約之一部或甚至全部,委託或發交給承包合約當事人以外的第三人,以節省成本、或集中精力於核心業務、或善用資源、或為獲得獨立及專業人士的專業服務等。外包和離岸委外經常被混用,委外的承包合約當事人主要是借用第三方的時間、人力資源、及核心業務能力或資源,以完成特定的製程、或商業流程;選用的第三方以國境內,易於掌握及監督其工作方式及工作進度為主。而離岸外包是指國土以外,能自行治理,完成特定的企業主要活動;換言之,其承包之第三方為國外公司,能獨力完成製造加工、行銷、銷售、客戶服務,或主要之支援服務例如產品開發為主。


1. 判然不合
注音一式 ㄆㄢˋ ㄖㄢˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄏㄜˊ
漢語拼音 p n r n b  h 注音二式 p n r n b  h


