2016年9月11日 星期日

"尾",鳶,頭尾,東風, 追尾, 鳶尾花 (=紫羅蘭)

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14. 末尾 [mo4wei3], n., end (of event, thing).
15. 契尾(子) [qi4wei1]([zi0]), n., formerly, landownership registration paper.
3. 婪尾春 [lan2wei3chun1], n., (=芍藥) (AC) the peony, the last of all flowers in spring; n., 婪尾酒 [lan2wei3jiu3], n., (AC)the last cup of wine passed around among friends at a drinking party (also 籃尾酒,闌尾酒).
掉尾巴 wag tail;

尾大不掉 litr. phr., tail is wagging the dog.

搖尾 to wag (dog's tail);

搖尾乞憐 to beg like a dog;


1. 搖擺 [yao2bai3], v.i., to stagger, to walk with a swinging gait: 搖搖擺擺 walk thus, esp. with an air of importance; 搖頭擺尾 waggling tail to please the master.


掐頭去尾 to nip off unwanted parts (of vegetables, etc.).


排頭排尾 set or stand first ,last;


押尾 [ya1wei3]↓.


22. 押尾 *[ya2wei3], n., (1) see [ya2feng4]↑; n., (2) v.i., to bring up the rear.


16. 搭拉 [da1la0], v.i., hang down: 搭拉下來; 搭拉尾巴 [da1la0yi3ba0], hang tail (of dog); 搭拉貨 [da1la0huo4], bad or damaged goods (also wr. 耷拉).


擺尾巴 wag tail.


(1) Raise: 撅尾巴 (of birds or animals) stick up the tail.


後桅,尾桅 mizzenmast;

oft. coupled with negative word 無,沒:有頭無尾 leave s.t. half done, start off but never finish;

13. 卷尾猿 *[jUan2wei3yUan2], n., (zoo.) Cebus capucinus.

 夾尾巴(狗) (of dogs) put the tail between the legs, (fig.) act like a coward.

14. 燕尾服 [yan4wei3fu2], n., swallow-tailed (coat).


街頭巷尾 in street corners, (gossip) in the streets;

(Bot.) see 狼 尾草 91C.02;


(LL) a kind of scorpion: 躉尾 tail sting of scorpion: 蜂躉 wasps and scorpions-(fig.) deadly, poisonous things.


踏虎尾,虎尾春冰 like treading on tiger's tail or spring ice;

虎頭蛇尾 (of affairs) a brave beginning and weak ending.


歲杪,歲尾 [sui4miao3], [sui4wei3]↓;

17. 歲尾 [sui4wei3], n., year's end.

(*[tie4]) To lie close to, submit: 帖尾 (of dog) put tail between legs;

響尾蛇 rattlesnake;

蛇頭鼠尾 sneaky, crafty look;

虎頭蛇尾 things which start off big and then end up in nothing;

40. 收尾 [shou1wei3], n., ending of affair, story.

頭尾 head and tail, beginning and end;

44. 頭尾 [tou2wei3], n., beginning and end, parts of a connected story; 無頭無尾的故事 one cannot make head or tail of story.

(1) [end to end]∶最前與最後部分


(2) [from beginning to end]∶從頭到尾;始終

(3) [shape]∶條理

(4) [early or late;order;priority]∶事物的先與後


1. 腦袋和尾巴。 漢 孔融 《聖人優劣論》:“騏驥與韓盧竝是,寧能頭尾相當,八腳如一,無有先後之覺矣。” 三國 魏 曹植 《獻文帝馬錶》:“形法應圖,善持頭尾。” 端木蕻良 《科爾沁旗草原》一:“我們殺活豬,真的,一個大,大整豬,不是頭尾。”

2. 猶言從頭至尾。 五代 齊己 《庚午歲九日作》詩:“亂離偷過九月九,頭尾算來三月三。”《水滸傳》第七回:“便去房內取出渾鐵禪杖,頭尾長五尺,重六十二斤。”

3. 謂全過程。《紅樓夢》第八五回:“此時事情頭尾尚未明白,就只聽見説我哥哥在外頭打死了人,被縣裏拿了去了。”

4. 指開端和結尾。 林志鈞 《<黃遠生遺著>序》:“其托人抄來頭尾不全的,也只好不要。”

5. 頭緒。 趙樹理 《孟祥英翻身》三:“什麼時候才能了結,想來想去,沒有個頭尾。” 楊朔 《紅花草》:“ 嚴豪明 見問不出頭尾,意思不大,日子一久,把我忘了,丟進女牢裏永不過問。”

6. 謂要旨。

7.台語 禮?

. 附驥 (尾) [fu4ji4] ([wei3]), v.i. (court. & LL) have the honor to follow your lead.

14. 跟尾兒 [gen1ye3er0], adv., right away, at once: 他跟尾兒就出來了 he'll come out right away; see [gen1zhe0]↑.

蹈虎尾 step on tiger’s tail (“twist lion's tail”); t.

畏首畏尾 timid.

47. 月尾 [yUe4wei3], n., end of the month.

(2) To wag tail: 甩尾巴.

11. 鳳尾蕉 [feng4wei3jiao1] or 鳳尾松 [feng4wei3song1], n., (bot.) a graceful palm, Cycas revoluta; 鳳尾草 [feng4wei3cao3], ferns.

68. 長尾雞 [chang2wei3ji1], n., (zoo.) a special variety of fowl with a long tail, Gallus domesticus, cultivated in Japan.

69. 長尾猿 [chang2wei3yUan2], n., (zoo.) an African ape with long tail, Cercopithecus aethiops.


55. 馬尾蜂 [ma2wei3feng1], n., (zoo.) a long tailed wasp, Bracon penetrans.

56. 馬尾藻 [ma2wei3zao3], n., (bot.) a water weed growing on sea rocks, Halochloa macrantha.

28. 壓尾 [ya1wei3], v.i., to stand last (also wr. 押).

6. 曆尾 [li4wei3], n., the end of the almanac, year-end.

2. 驥尾 [ji4wei3], n., a person reflecting glory on those near him: 附驥尾 ride on s.o.’s coattail to success, shine by reflected glory.

尾巴 tail (of anything);

(3) A radical (as in 尼,尿,尾);

一尾魚 one fish. ([wei3er0])Tail, end: 尾巴 [wei3ba0]↓;

搖尾 wag its tails;

夾尾 (like a dog) slink away, tail between legs;

尾大不掉 the tail wagging the dog;

subordinate growing too powerful;

馬尾(兒) horse's tail;

狗尾(兒) dog's tail;

巷尾 end of alley;

船尾 the stern;

首尾,頭尾 beginning and end;

無頭無尾 without beginning or end;

(murder case) without clues;

後尾,末尾 the end.


To tail after: 尾其後 ditto;

尾之(LL)tail after him.


The rear, the last: 尾位 the last seat;

尾數 [wei3shu4]↓.


1. 尾巴(兒) *[yi3ba0]([er0]), n., tail, end part, also remnant followers.

2. 尾鰭 [wei3qi2], n., tail fin.

3. 尾擊 [wei3ji2], v.i., to attack from the rear.

4. 尾閭 [wei2lU3], n., an alleged hole in ocean where all water sinks down.

5. 尾聲 [wei3sheng1], n., the last echo, last act of some disappearing movement, (mus.) coda.

6. 尾數 [wei3shu4], n., the decimal points.

7. 尾隨 [wei3sui2], v.t., to follow after, tail after.

8. 尾子 [wei3zi0], n., (1) decimal points; (2) the end of story.

履虎尾 to step on tiger's tail-place oneself in a dangerous position.

7. 闌尾炎 [lan2wei3yan2], n., (= 盲腸炎) appendicitis.
53. 交尾 [jiao1wei3], v.i. & n., (of animals and insects) copulate, -tion.

20. 詞尾 [ci2wei3], n., suffix, as 兒 in 孩兒,子 in 傻子,頭 in 木頭.

A species of deer, described as having head like deer, neck like camel, and hoofs like ox, possibly a yak, since a deer is not likely to have much of a tail, for which it is valued: 麈尾 -tail, a whisk or fly-swat;

3. 祠尾 [ci2wei3], n., owl's tail, decoration on roof ridge (usu. wr. 蚩尾,鴟尾).

1. 鳶尾 [yUan1wei3], n., (bot.) a kind of iris, Iris tectorum (=紫羅蘭).


6. 孳尾 *[zi4wei3], v.t., (AC) (of animals) copulate.

32. 首尾 [shou2wei3], n., the story (“beginning and end”) of an affair; also (coll.) s.o.’s business: 不是賈珍的首尾 has nothing to do with 賈珍.

24. 鐵蕉 [tie3jiao1], n., (bot.) sago cycad, Cycas revoluta (also known as 鳳尾松).

16. 殺尾 [sha1wei3], n., the end (also wr.煞尾).

11. 鼠尾草 [shu3wei2cao3], n., (bot.) Salvia japonica.

丟三落四,丟頭落尾 miss this and that;
18. 雞尾酒 [ji1wei2jiu3], n., cocktails: 雞尾酒會 cocktail party.

. 鴟尾 [chi1wei3], n., owl-like ornament on roof ridge.

街頭巷尾 street corners and alleys;

銜尾 (animals) arrive in packs (snouts and tails together).

徹頭徹尾 from beginning to the end;

63. 後尾兒 [hou4weeer0], n. & adv., the end, at the end.

從頭到尾 from A to Z, from beginning to end.

18. 狼尾草 [lang2wei3cao3], n., (bot.) the foxtail, Pennisetum japonicum.

狗尾續貂 to write a deplorable sequel to a masterpiece (lit., “to patch up a sable coat with a dog's tail”);

15. 狗尾草 [gou3wei2cao3], n., (bot.) the green foxtail, bottle grass, Setaria viridis.

狐尾巴 foxtail;

21. 燒尾宴 [shao1wei3yan4], n., a feast for successful candidates celebrated at end of civil examinations.

25. 船尾 [chuan2wei3], n., stern.

年根兒底下,年終歲尾 toward the year's end;

無頭無尾 without head or tail, without beginning or end;
煞尾 [sha4wei3]↓.


11. 煞尾 [sha4wei3], n., the end of song, story, play.

(Fish) fins: 脊鰭,尾鰭,胸鰭 dorsal, caudal, pectoral fins.

16. 響尾蛇 [xiang3wei3she2], n., rattlesnake.
狗尾續貂 a sable coat with a dog's tail-(in disparagement) make an unworthy continuation of a great work.

上海地鐵發生追尾事故 約250人受傷

tail, tailing


www.hudong.com/wiki/追尾 - 頁庫存檔
追尾-概念追尾是指同车道行驶的车辆尾随而行时,后车车头与前车车尾相撞的行为。作用主要由于跟进间距小于最小安全间距和驾驶员反应迟缓或制动系性能不良所 ...

2011年甬台温铁路列车追尾事故- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

2011年甬台温铁路列车追尾事故(中华人民共和国铁道部最初称作杭深线动车组列车追尾事故,后来官方统一称作“7·23”甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故)发生于当地 ...

5. 鳶  ㄩㄢ

"東風" 某大學文藝刊物。



