2016年3月22日 星期二

居停主人 Monsieur Teste (1926)

【拼音】:jū tíng zhǔ rén
【例子】:已求此公作~矣。(清·蒲松齡《聊齋志異·桓侯》) 巫永福基金會出版的【巫永福小說集 山茶花 (譯文)】(2005),頁242等用上 "居停"。

Skepticism and Custom Le doute mene a la forme. — Paul Valery In Sextus Empiricus and Descartes, we found a curious relation between skepticism and  ...

  • Monsieur Teste (1926)
  • Full TEXT
無CUSTOM/young understand
  • The famous opening line of Monsieur Teste -- "Stupidity is not my strong suit" 

From what have I suffered most? Perhaps from the habit of 
working out my whole thought-of going to the very 
in me. 
Monsieur Teste had taken the strange habit of thinking of 
himself as a chessman in his own game. He could see him- 
self. He would push himself across the table. At times he lost 
interest in the game. 

And this capital remark on the general independence of 
form and value, which are associated only in particular cases: 
by the fact, per accidens, or from habit. Principle of duality. 


