2013年11月15日 星期五

奴,疠 (癘),卡奴" "房奴"',墳奴,山寨 'shanzai'



China's national anthem promises its people "will no longer be slaves".

But a list of new slang expressions compiled by its Ministry of Education suggests the country's economic reforms have simply multiplied the ways its people can fall into serfdom.

Among the most popular phrases used by the country's growing middle class are an expanding variety of equivalents to the English "wage slave".
The most common is "house slave", meaning someone who struggles to pay off the mortgage. But there are also "car slaves" who, unlike lucky government cadres, have to pay all their own petrol, servicing, and road toll fees.
More specialised versions are "grave slaves" who have bought expensive funeral plots in advance, and "feast slaves" whose jobs mean their lives are an endless round of banquets, weddings, funerals, and other social events requiring the cash gifts, or "red envelopes" expected on such occasions.
Chinese is especially suited to slang and abbreviations, partly to make up for the impossibility of acronyms in a character-based language.
Its favourite clichés all take the form of four characters in a row, while talk is often littered with apparently meaningless phrases. Beijing University, or Beijing Daxue in Mandarin, is known to all simply as Bei Da, or North Big.
The ministry list, which also includes popular new names such as character versions of "Lucy" and "Jenny", dwells on the influence of English, and points out the contrast to the days of the Cultural Revolution when patriotic names such as "Lianjun", or Unite the Army, "Wei Dong", Protect Mao Zedong, and "Aiguo", Love the Country, were all the rage.
One popular new Chinglish phrase is "ding chong jia ting", meaning double income couples with a pet instead of children.
Ding is used simply because it sounds like the western acronym Dink - double income no kids.
Judging by what the ministry took to be popular slang, however, the country has not moved on entirely from traditional political correctness.
It said Olympic slogans had already passed into common usage, as had "ba rong ba chi", or eight honours, eight disgraces.
This list of virtues and vices, such as "Honour the Motherland, Do not Dishonour the Motherland", was published to great fanfare by President Hu Jintao last year.
But some would say that the latter is now mostly used ironically, as in "What became of the ba rong ba chi?", when some new scandal involving Communist Party officials is revealed.
Particularly curious is the ministry's claim that youngsters refer to homosexuals as "duan bei", or Brokebacks, after the Oscar-winning film Brokeback Mountain.
Maybe it is just being optimistic. The Chinese government has always been reluctant to discuss the most common slang term for gay men, a usage which has dramatically altered the way party officials talk about each other.
That term is "tongzhi", which used to be translated as "comrade".
--Chinese still see themselves as slaves
By Richard Spencer, in Beijing

Last Updated: 3:58am BST 21/08/2007

Chinese slangs find way into Oxford dictionary

2010-09-22 08:40:00

Beijing, Sep 22 (IANS) Popular Chinese colloquial terms and slangs have been included in the latest edition of the Oxford Chinese-English dictionary.
Compiled over the past six years by Oxford University Press and its Chinese partner, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, the dictionary is the largest single volume of its kind and contains 670,000 Chinese words and phrases, the Global Times reported.
New words include 'shanzai', which means cheap counterfeits of big-brand bags and electronic products, 'fangnu',房奴 which means those people who suffer from the burden of heavy home mortgages, especially young people in big cities, and 'mengliao', which means hot gossip. 

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lì ㄌㄧˋ
 1. 瘟疫:~疫。
 2. 惡瘡。
 3. 殺。

lài ㄌㄞˋ
 ◎ 古同“”,癩病。
(一)nu2《廣韻》乃都切,平模泥。魚部。 (1) 奴隸;古代指因罪沒入官或被掠賣的人。《說文‧女部》:“奴,奴、婢,皆古之疠人也。”《周禮‧秋官‧司厲》:“其奴,男子入于罪隸,女子入于舂高鄄 木。”鄭玄注:“鄭司農云:‘今之為奴婢,古之罪人也。’……奴,從坐而沒入縣官者,男女同名。”《史記‧季布欒布列傳》:“布為人所略賣,為奴於燕。” 《漢書‧食貨志下》:“私鑄作泉布者,與妻子沒入為官奴婢。”後多指男奴。《宋書‧沈慶之傳》:“耕當問奴,織當問婢。”《梁書‧諸夷傳‧東夷》:“在北 獄者,男女相配,生男八歲為奴,生女九歲為婢。” (2)奴僕;僕人。唐杜甫《哀王孫》:“問之不肯道姓名,但道困苦乞為奴。”宋陸游《歲暮感懷》:“富豪役千奴,貧老無寸帛。”陳毅《湖海詩社開徵引》:“不為古人奴,洪歌聊自試。”
(4)男女自稱的謙詞。蔣禮鴻《敦煌變文字義通釋‧釋稱謂》:“奴,第一人稱代詞,和‘我’相同,男女尊卑都可通用。”《王昭君變文》:“異方歌樂,不解奴愁。”宋計有功《唐詩紀事》卷二:“何處是英雄,迎奴歸故宮。”《宋史‧陸秀夫傳》:“楊太妃垂簾,與群臣語猶自稱奴。”清孔尚任《桃花扇‧拒 媒》:“奴是薄福人,不願入朱門。”

1. 山寨
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