杜甫作品:三絕句內容: 楸樹馨香倚釣磯,斬新花蕊未應飛。 不如醉裡風吹盡,可忍醒時雨打稀。 門外鸕鶿去不來,沙頭忽見眼相猜。 ...
杜甫作品:三絕句內容: 楸樹馨香倚釣磯,斬新花蕊未應飛。 不如醉裡風吹盡,可忍醒時雨打稀。 門外鸕鶿去不來,沙頭忽見眼相猜。 ...
[紫葳科] [梓树属] 别 名:梓桐 金丝楸 拉丁名:CatalpabungeiC.A.Mey 产地分布: 原产我国,分布于东起海滨,西至甘肃,南始云南,北到长城的广大区域内,近年来辽宁、内蒙、新疆等省区引种试栽,均可良好生长。 在汉代人们不仅大面积栽培楸树,且能从楸树经营中得到丰厚收入。古时人们还有栽楸树以作财产遗传子孙后代的习惯。 目前全国许多地方还保留有百年生的大楸树,不仅证明了楸树寿命长,而且反映了楸树在这些地方的古老历史。安微省临泉县有一株600年以上的古楸树高25 米、胸径2.12米、材积20立方米左右,堪称楸树之王。 形态特征: 落叶乔木,高达30m,胸径60cm。树冠狭长倒卵形。树干宗旨,主枝开阔伸展。树皮灰褐色、浅纵裂,小枝灰绿色、无毛。叶三角状的卵形、上6-16cm,先端渐长尖。 生长习性: 喜光,较耐寒,适生长于年平均气温10-15℃,降水量700-1200m的环境。喜深厚肥沃湿润的土壤,不耐干旱、积水,忌地下水位过高,稍耐盐碱。萌蘖性强,幼树生长慢,10年以后生长加快,侧根发达。耐烟尘、抗有害气体能力强。寿命长。 园林用途: 楸树根系发达,属深根性树种。据测定,5年生楸树高6.8米,胸径10厘米,主根深达90厘米,根幅1.3×1.5米。大于桑树、刺槐、柽柳、香椿、白腊 等树种。因此固土防风能力强,耐寒耐旱,是农田、铁路、公路、沟坎、河道防护的优良树种。楸树为高大落叶乔木,可营造用材林、楸农间作林、防护林及庭院观 赏、道路绿化等,是综合利用价值很高的优质用材树种。在我国博大的树木园中,唯其“材”貌双全,自古素有“木王”之美称。 工业用途: 山东青州市范公亭公园内的古楸树,已有800年的寿命,树高14米、胸径2.8米。 材质优良、用途广泛 楸树是我国珍贵的用材树种之一,其材质好、用途广、经济价值高,居百木之首。 楸树环孔材,早材窄,晚材宽,年轮清晰;心材中含有浸填体。木材密度0.617克/平方米,相当于楠木、苦楝,高于核桃楸、黄菠椤的木材。 楸木属阔叶树高级材种;抗拉强中等,小于栎类等硬材,大于杨、柳、榆类等软材种;抗弯强度极大超过多数针阔叶树种;抗冲击韧性较高,列阔叶树材之前茅。 楸树木材具有许多构造上的特点和工艺上的优良特性。其树干直、节少、材性好;木材纹理通直、花纹美观、质地坚韧致密、坚固耐用、绝缘性能好、耐水湿、耐 腐、不易虫蛀;加工容易、切面光滑、钉着力中等、油漆和胶粘力佳。楸材用途广泛,被国家列为重要材种,专门用来加工高档商品和特种产品。主要用于枪托、模 型、船舶,还是人造板很好的贴面板和装饰材;此外还用于车厢、乐器、工艺、文化体育用品等。 风姿挺拔、美化环境 楸树高大的风姿,淡红素雅的楸花,令人赏心悦目,自古以来楸树就广泛栽植于皇宫庭院,胜景名园之中,如北京的故宫、北海、颐和园、大觉寺等游览圣地和名寺 古刹到处可见百年以上的古楸树苍劲挺拔的风姿。 楸树用于绿化的类型如密毛灰楸、灰楸、三裂楸、光叶楸等,或树形优美、花大色艳作园林观赏;或叶被密毛、皮糙枝密,有利于隔音、减声、防噪、滞尘,此类型 分别在叶、花、枝、果、树皮、冠形方面独具风姿,具有较高的观赏价值和绿化效果。 楸树对二氧化硫、氯气等有毒气体有较强的抗性、能净化空气,是绿化城市改善环境的优良树种。 医用良药、间作饲料 楸树叶、树皮、种子均为中草药,有收敛止血,祛湿止痛之效。种子含有枸橼酸和碱盐,是治疗肾脏病、湿性腹膜炎、外肿性脚气病的良药。根、皮煮汤汁,外部涂 洗治瘘疮及一切肿毒。 楸叶含有丰富的营养成分,嫩叶可食,花可炒菜或提炼芳香油。明代鲍山《野菜博录》中记载:食法,采花炸熟,油盐调食。或晒干、炸食、炒食皆可。也可作饲料,宋代苏拭《格致粗谈》记述:桐梓二树,花叶饲猪,立即肥大,且易养。 楸树树冠茂密,有较强的消声、尘、吸毒能力。村镇、厂矿、住宅、路旁广植楸树,可发净化空气,降低噪音,给人们创造一个舒适优美的学习、生活、工作环境。 同时楸树根系发达,防风固土能力强,是荒山造林优良树种。并且楸树干高冠窄,根系分布深,胁地轻,是理想的农林间作和农田防护树种。 胸径可达50厘米,树皮黑灰色,长纵深裂,长片状剥落。树干通直,木材坚硬,优良建筑材。 繁殖培育: 常用分根。扦根繁殖,亦可有梓树、黄金树的实生苗作砧木嫁接繁殖。一般不用播种,因其异花授粉,往往开花不结籽。 中草药 【别名】旱楸蒜台、金丝楸、梓桐、水桐 【来源】紫葳科梓属植物楸树Catalpa bungei C. A. Mey.,以树皮、根皮、叶和果实等入药。春夏秋挖根剥皮,洗净晒干;夏季采叶,晒干;秋季采摘果实,切段阴干。 【性味归经】 树皮、根皮:苦,凉。 叶:苦,凉。 果实:苦,凉。 【功能主治】 树皮、根皮:清热解毒,散瘀消肿。外用治跌打损伤,骨折,痈疮肿毒。 叶:解毒。外用治疮疡脓肿。 果实:清热利尿。用于尿路结石,尿路感染。 【用法用量】果实1~2两;叶、根皮、树皮外用适量,捣烂敷患处。 【摘录】《全国中草药汇编》 |
銀木犀 (ぎんもくせい)
撮影日 : 2006. 9.30
撮影場所: 江東区 木場公園
撮影日 : 2007.10.13
撮影場所: 新宿区 新宿御苑
撮影日 : 2007.10.13
撮影場所: 新宿区 新宿御苑
撮影日 : 2006.12. 3
撮影場所: 江東区 潮見
・学名 Osmanthus fragrans
Osmanthus : モクセイ属
fragrans : 芳香のある
「osme(香り)+ anthos(花)」が語源。
学名 O へ
金木犀 柊木犀 柊
Late-blooming shrubs signal global warming
Yoshio Oku, a 72-year-old farmer in Tajima, Hyogo Prefecture, wrote to inform me that the kinmokusei (orange osmanthus) trees in his neighborhood have come into bloom unusually late this year.
I called him and discovered he has kept a daily journal for years, in which he jots down his observations of nature.
Usually, Oku said, the sweet fragrance of the shrub's orange flowers begins to waft through the air around Sept. 19. This year, there were no signs of it on that date. It was not until Oct. 3, just as he was about to give up, that Oku noticed the fragrance.
According to Oku, this is the latest date for the trees to bloom in the last 35 years. "Could it be a result of the intense heat? Nature is out of whack," an anxious Oku said.
The lingering summer heat in September marked a record high, but heat was not the only problem this year. After a long, dry spell, the rain set in, and then it poured.
Such extremes of drought and then torrential rain are beginning to set in at an alarming pace. Such climate change is causing nature to go haywire. The specter of global warming lurks.
Last week's awarding of this year's Nobel Peace Prize to former U.S. Vice President Al Gore gave clear recognition to the crisis.
The prize makes it clear that we can no longer turn a blind eye to the problem.
Gore calls himself a "missionary" and continues to espouse the dangers of global warming. The prize recognized his activities and set off warning bells to urge global, immediate action to solve the crisis.
There is an old saying: "A good farmer pulls out weeds even before they sprout. An ordinary farmer removes weeds when he sees them while a bad farmer sees them and does nothing."
Unfortunately, as far as global warming is concerned, the world seems to lack such wisdom of good farmers. At the least, we must face this with the naivete of ordinary farmers, as the Earth is endangered. The late-blooming kinmokusei's scent washes over us like nature's soft warning bell, telling us not to be bad farmers.
--The Asahi Shimbun, Oct. 16(IHT/Asahi: October 17,2007)
I called him and discovered he has kept a daily journal for years, in which he jots down his observations of nature.
Usually, Oku said, the sweet fragrance of the shrub's orange flowers begins to waft through the air around Sept. 19. This year, there were no signs of it on that date. It was not until Oct. 3, just as he was about to give up, that Oku noticed the fragrance.
According to Oku, this is the latest date for the trees to bloom in the last 35 years. "Could it be a result of the intense heat? Nature is out of whack," an anxious Oku said.
The lingering summer heat in September marked a record high, but heat was not the only problem this year. After a long, dry spell, the rain set in, and then it poured.
Such extremes of drought and then torrential rain are beginning to set in at an alarming pace. Such climate change is causing nature to go haywire. The specter of global warming lurks.
Last week's awarding of this year's Nobel Peace Prize to former U.S. Vice President Al Gore gave clear recognition to the crisis.
The prize makes it clear that we can no longer turn a blind eye to the problem.
Gore calls himself a "missionary" and continues to espouse the dangers of global warming. The prize recognized his activities and set off warning bells to urge global, immediate action to solve the crisis.
There is an old saying: "A good farmer pulls out weeds even before they sprout. An ordinary farmer removes weeds when he sees them while a bad farmer sees them and does nothing."
Unfortunately, as far as global warming is concerned, the world seems to lack such wisdom of good farmers. At the least, we must face this with the naivete of ordinary farmers, as the Earth is endangered. The late-blooming kinmokusei's scent washes over us like nature's soft warning bell, telling us not to be bad farmers.
--The Asahi Shimbun, Oct. 16(IHT/Asahi: October 17,2007)
金木犀 (きんもくせい)
(Fragrant olive)
撮影日 : 2003.10. 3
撮影場所: 江東区 東砂
・学名 Osmanthus fragrans var. aurantiacus
Osmanthus : モクセイ属
fragrans : 芳香のある
aurantiacus : 橙黄色の
「osme(香り)+ anthos(花)」が語源。
学名 O へ
・開花時期は、 9/25頃~10/10頃。
・金木犀 写真集 1(写真6枚) と
金木犀 写真集 2(写真5枚) もどうぞ。
・「散らし雨 道端染める 金木犀」 '92
「とっときたい 金木犀の この匂い」 '04
銀木犀 柊木犀 柊