2021年3月28日 星期日



六 十年代剛開始,死亡便有好幾次豐收。漢明戚。福克納。胡適。康明恩。現在輪到佛洛斯特。當一些靈魂如星般升起,森森然,各就各位,為我們織一幅怪冷的永恆 底圖案,一些軀體像經霜的楓葉,落了下來。人類的歷史就是這樣:一些軀體變成一些靈魂,一些靈魂變成一些名字。好幾克拉的射著青芒的名字。稱一稱人類的歷 史看,有沒有一斗名字?就這麼俯踐楓葉,仰望星座,我們愈來愈寂寞了。死亡你把這些不老的老頭子摘去做什麼?你把胡適摘去做什麼?你把佛洛斯特的銀髮摘去 做什麼?.....

......在可能是他最後的一首詩(一九六二年八月所作的那首 The Prophets Really Prophesy as Mystics/The Commentators Merely by Statistics)中,佛洛斯特曾說:人的長壽都是有限的,現代詩元老的佛洛斯特公公不過享了八八高齡,比狄興和蕭伯納畢竟還減幾歲。然而在詩人之 中,能像他那麼老當愈壯創作不衰的大詩人,實在寥寥可數。現在他死了,為他,我們覺得毫無遺憾。然而為了我們,他的死畢竟是自由世界的不幸。美國需要這麼 一位偉人,需要這麼一位為青年們所仰望的老人,正如一世紀前,她需要愛默森和林肯。高爾基論前輩托爾斯泰時,曾說:「一日能與此人生活在相同的地球上,我就不是孤兒。」對於佛洛斯特,正如對於胡適,我們也有相同的感覺。(元月三十一日)



(一)zhai1《廣韻》陟革切,入麥知。又他歷切。錫部。 (1)采摘;摘取。《說文‧手部》:“摘,拓果樹實也。”段玉裁注:“引申之凡他取亦曰摘。”《廣雅‧釋詁一》:“摘,取也。”《新唐書‧承天皇帝倓傳》:“種瓜黃臺下,瓜熟子離離。一摘使瓜好,再摘令瓜稀。”宋范成大《新荔枝四絕》之二:“鄞船荔枝如新摘,行腳何須更雪峰。”又除去。清桂馥《說文解字義證》:“摘,《字林》:‘摘,除也。’”《劉知遠諸宮調‧君臣弟兄夫婦團圓》:“卓下剛刀,摘了弓箭。”清顧炎武《天下郡國利病書‧雲南四‧屬夷》:“男子皆衣白文身,髟熷几髮,摘髭鬚,修眉睫。”










1. 臉紅
注音一式 ㄌ|ㄢˇ ㄏㄨㄥˊ


One researcher counted 143 instances of the phrase “hurting the feelings of the Chinese people” in a Communist Party newspaper since 1959

How to upset 1.3 billion people at once
Poor China: so vast and so sensitive


Stand News 立場新聞

「傷害中國人民的感情」,是中國官方的慣常用語之一,通常用來在不同的外交問題上,指責其它國家。香港大學中國傳媒研究計劃的David Bandursk在一項調查中發現,大陸官媒《人民日報》由1959年至今,曾143次使用「傷害中國人民的感情」的句子。

【玻璃心】研究指人民日報143次提「傷害中國人民的感情」 美、日傷害次數最多 | 立場報道 | 立場新聞



かんがん 0 【汗顔】


~の至りです I'm deeply ashamed of myself.


福田首相は28日昼、自らが代表を務める団体の政治資金収支報告書で、添付された領収書のあて名が書き換えられていた問題について、「経理担当者が領収 書を取り直すという手間を省いちゃったんですね。これが悪と思っていなかった。全く事務的には良くなかったと思います。別にそのことによって利益を得ると か、不正をしたとか、そういうことではありません」と釈明した。首相官邸で記者団に語った。

指摘する point out
  • 次の文中の誤りを指摘しなさい
  • Point out the mistakes in the following sentences.
  • 医者は病気の原因を的確に指摘した
  • The doctor 「put his finger on [correctly spotted] the cause of the illness.

いたり 3 0 【至り】


-いたり -至り

光栄の~ feel highly honored.
若気の~で on account of one's youthful indiscretion.



Japan's new PM admits accounting errors

TOKYO (AFP) — Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, who took office this week vowing to turn a page on the last government's scandals, voiced regret Friday for accounting errors by his office but denied wrongdoing.
Fukuda admitted media reports that his political support group in his constituency crossed off its name on receipts and instead attributed the receipts to the ruling party's local chapter.
He denied that the group was trying to divert funds to evade authorities, saying it was simply sloppy accounting.
"Officials in charge of the accounting omitted the procedure for the asking of new receipts," he told reporters.
"It has nothing to do with making a profit or financial wrongdoing," he said. "But as the head of the office I really feel ashamed."
Fukuda took over Tuesday from fellow Liberal Democratic Party member Shinzo Abe, who resigned after a tumultuous year in office wracked by scandals.
Fukuda, a 71-year-old political veteran, enjoys strong support in early polls, giving him a boost in his battle with the opposition, which seized control of one house of parliament from the LDP in July elections.
Media gave different figures on the amount of money involved in the questionable receipts. The Asahi Shimbun said that receipts for 5.7 million yen (5,000 dollars) in expenses were redirected to the LDP's local chapter.
In one incident, the newspaper said a hotel issued a receipt for 70,000 yen to Fukuda's political group for meeting costs. But in later filings, the name of the group was crossed out and replaced with the LDP chapter.
The LDP's office in Fukuda's constituency separately plans to return some money it received from a cleaning company out of fear it broke laws on political funding, chief government spokesman Nobutaka Machimura said.
Japanese law prohibits politicians from receiving contributions from any company that has contracts with the government.
The cleaning company in question had a contract with the government in 2005 ahead of a general election, public broadcaster NHK reported.
"Prime Minister Fukuda instructed the office to take procedures to return the political contribution at issue," Machimura told reporters.
"The prime minister is not taking a lenient attitude on money in politics," he said.


