2007年7月25日 星期三


jigsaw puzzle and Tangram

{鏡子和七巧板} 是楊周翰先生的一篇比較文學的英文論文的中文(王寧)翻譯:The Mirror and the Jigsaw: A Major Difference Between Current Chinese and Western Critical Attitudes, Representations, 4, University of California, Berkeley

問題是:jigsaw 一般指很複雜得拼圖A jigsaw puzzle is a picture, which is adhered to a thin and stiff background, like wood or cardboard, and then cut into multiple pieces. The pieces are assembled by the user to reform the original picture. Although the origin of the word puzzle is unknown, it is known that the first jigsaw puzzles were made in the 1760s by European cartographer John Spilbury. In 1762, Spilbury hit upon the idea of gluing maps onto thin mahogany and cedar panels and cutting them up with a fine marquetry saw.

七巧板 的英文為Tangram (Chinese: 七巧板; Pinyin: qī qiǎo bǎn; literally "seven boards of cunning") is a Chinese puzzle, and a type of dissection puzzle. 'A tangram consists of 7 pieces, called tans, which fit together to form a shape of some sort. The objective is to form a specific shape with seven pieces.

日本tangram 採音譯:
━━ n. タングラム ((全体で正方形をなす小片を組み合わせいろいろな形をつくるパズル)).

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